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About supercake

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    On the Coast
  1. Age: 16 Country: USA Skype (can PM me): Name: joe.coffin2 Username: THE COFFINATOR Have you played with other clans?: yes Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: I prefer to follow others, but will cast make myself heard if need be. How long have you played DayZ?: 4-6 months What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Medic, spotter, assault List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):Work well with team, good as a spotter for a sniper, also good support/ medic. I understand the importance of team work, and would do anything to help the team out even if it means potential death. If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: I would not act rash, but I would react with the necessary actions, wether that be vengeance or letting the guy go if it would not be worth it.
  2. supercake

    Carbon Tactics clan - Now Recruiting

    MINE---Age - 16 What role are you applying for in this clan - heavy assult / i know the map well i can navigate How much experience do you have playing Dayz - I have a lot at least servrel months Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - Yes Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- Yes I have worked with other groups of people to take the airfields and get good loot. -------- 1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible? -I say away from the fire station and raid the medium yield buildings in a rush tactic until i find a gun (which you most likely will) and from there with the gun I loot the rest of the town sneaking and staying away form open areas with people then once i have a pack I would raid the only grocery from the back entrance and listen for footsteps then get the hell out of town. 2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)? - We all split and run zig zag until we can get to cover and our recon can use binoculars to try and find the enemy. Then we will set up a plan where i lay down suppressing fire from a few houses down while our sniper spots the enemy. Then I run and try to get the sniper to shoot so we can get him. This is risky but this will work. Because while i run our other teammate is running to flank the sniper on the hill. 3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told there is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here? - Well We came with medical supplies i presume so we patch up the alley and the five man squad watches the all entries from safe locations based on the fact that the sniper is most likely on the hill we know he can not see the windows but just the yellow doors and the front but we still say to stay hidden from the windows. We lay traps for the rifle men like leaving an extra gun lying in a good spot so they run for it or the ammo and then we open fire taking them out. once we have them we loot them and hid their bodies ( it's the price for trying to kill me) and then we run out the front across the road to the cover the across building provides. then we head south a block and then west out of the range and view of the sniper. From there we can move to any better locations. My friend is having trouble with this forum so ill post his (coolclone) Age - 16 What role are you applying for in this clan – Leader, Sniper/Scout How much experience do you have playing Dayz – Several months, I know the entire layout of the coast Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - Yes Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- Absolutely 1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible? - Depending on where the gunfire is coming from, and my looting route is very flexible, I would either loot the grocery store first, then (if safe) go to the fire station. If there is heavy activity there, I would avoid it and go to the square in the middle of town and loot the medium yields. Since room clearing equipment is few and far between (Such as grenades) and they would give away my position, I tend to just sprint into a room if I think there’s someone in there. If there is someone in there, I run back out yelling friendly. If not, then I just loot. After getting a satisfactory amount of loot, I would then leave the city, North, East, or West, depending on where the gunshots were. 2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)? – Making a mental note where my dead squad mate’s body is, I would tell the squad to start doing the serpentine. When the snipers starts shooting at us, we would zero in on his position. Once we figure out where the sniper is, I would begin to give suppressing fire while my squad starts to flank him. If the sniper DOESN’T start shooting at us, we would run to the nearest tree line. Our sniper would attempt to spot the enemy, while the rest of us try to flank wherever we thought the enemy sniper was. 3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told there is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here? – We will attempt to enter the city from the north, through sniper hill. The chances of the enemy sniper being on that hill are enormous, as that hill has range of almost the entire city. We would comb the hill, looking for the sniper. Once we find the sniper, we would kill him and replace him with our squad’s sniper. With our sniper giving us support, we would then make our way to the supermarket. We would tell the wounded member to get to the back of the store, and then proceed to give him emergency medical supplies as needed. If we have the vehicle, we would have it parked somewhere near sniper hill, with the mechanic guarding it. We would then escort the wounded teammate to the power plant fire station, where the mechanic would meet up with us in the car and our sniper would come meet us as well. We would then proceed north to a safe location. If we didn’t have a car, we would all proceed up into sniper hill, over it, and then proceed north.