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Robert Shannon

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Everything posted by Robert Shannon

  1. Robert Shannon

    Fucking doors.

    XD that sucks
  2. Robert Shannon


    Twinkies are an American food, I dont think Russia would have them.
  3. Robert Shannon

    Non-enterable Houses

    Yea, it would make it more realistic to be able to at least attempt to enter every house possible.
  4. Robert Shannon

    Clan System

  5. Robert Shannon

    Did Arma II's Franchise get saved by DayZ Mod?

    Yes, I think it did.
  6. Robert Shannon

    Clan System

    Just a suggestion for an actual Clan topic in the forum.
  7. Robert Shannon

    Mood Music for DayZ

    The theme for 28 days later and the theme for Resident evil would be some good mood music.