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Everything posted by kilaofsouls

  1. Me and my brother are having the same issue in DayZ. When either of us log in we experience unconsciousness at full blood, food, water, and heat. This issue lasts generally around 5 minutes or so of sitting on the ground unable to move. This only occurs when we enter new servers, and never while playing. We have taken many painkillers, morphine, an antibiotic but nothing has stopped the problem. Is there any fix for this issue at the moment? I apologize if there is already a thread on this, but I could not find one. A redirection would be wonderful as well. Is anyone else experiencing this issue, or found any conclusive results on the matter? My search has come up negative on most accounts.
  2. kilaofsouls

    Unconscious On Log In

    Read up man. I made a fresh character and ran around for around 20 minutes. Logged out. Logged back in. Hourglass. There were absolutely no statuses on my previous two characters.
  3. kilaofsouls

    Unconscious On Log In

    I apologize for that, I didn't know there was a glitches forum. Regardless, whenever I am dragged by a player i glitch and when the timer runs out, I can only turn and look around ( cant stand, cant move, cant shoot, cant look at gear, ). The only way to fix it for me is to abort again ( another 5 minutes of waiting ). Edit: I found this, and they all have their own theories but none of them seem right. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19312
  4. kilaofsouls

    Unconscious On Log In

    Well, I searched around for some information, including trying to find an email or thread I could message. None of them I had found had any chance of a response. Some things tried: (Unsuccessful) Six Launcher closed before entering server ( as well as open ) Restarting the game under different circumstances ( administration rights etc... ) Fresh character as gothic described. Different servers. ( eye witness ) - Waiting a few days doesn't work either, it will stop the problem for a day or so but will eventually arise once more at the most inconvenient of times. There are no threads with any kind of information on the matter that I have been able to find with google. Searches by those other than myself would be appreciated. If you find anything, including a way to fix the problem, please let us know.