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About dakintaro

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dakintaro

    Survivor Base (In Development)

    i wanna join the fun :D Age - 25 How long have you been playing? - About 3 months (including breaks within the months) What is your reaction when you see other survivors, not knowing if they are friendly or bandits? - Most of the time I just hide and let them pass.. if they haven't already seen and shot me.. What is your first instinct when you see another survivor? - " I'm gonna go down :( " Situation 1: You and a fellow survivor you have just met are searching a barn, you find the only can of food in the building and your fellow survivor is down the red on on his meter. You are at orange and the next local town is a few km's away. What do you do? - Give him the can; finding food is not a big problem. Also what would it help if he starves to death and I have an uber-full stomach?? Situation 2: You are down to two clips of your 1911, your fellow survivor has a revolver and is currently out of ammo. Knowing you can convert the ammo of your 1911 to a revolver .45 clip, do you give that survivor your last mag or do you keep it for yourself? - Nearly the same thing as with the can - prioritizing. I'm not the best shooter in PC games, so if he can shoot better than me --> he get's the mag. Looking forward hearing from you :D