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htl (nor)

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About htl (nor)

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    On the Coast
  1. Currently there is noting stopping people hiding helis and vehicles far W and N “outside” the map. This means a group can set up base out of reach of most players, and it is very hard to find these bases without a heli. Easy solution borrowed from Warefare BE. Implement a destruction/kill script with a countdown timer. The map is large enough as it is. There is no need to use the outside.
  2. htl (nor)

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I assume it is still ok to kick players spamming the chat on the Norwegian servers in other languages other than Norwegian or English? After a couple of warnings that is. To make my question more general, are we allowed to enforce languages spoken in the chat (and Viop) on country specific servers?
  3. htl (nor)

    NORWAY restarting every 30sec

    They are up again now. We have had some issues with them not saveing, but it should be fixed now. As it says on loggon the Nor-servers will auto restart every 6 hours to clear memory.
  4. htl (nor)

    NORWAY restarting every 30sec

    We think now the problem was that just too many players were spamming “enter” on the full servers to join. Before lunch all was fine, but as soon as the “normal” gaming time started the servers started to crash. If this becomes a problem more often the admins on the Norway-servers will have to start to lock the servers when they are full, and to open them up in short periods to let new plp inn. (I hope this will help).
  5. Love the new Zombie count. Now I have to plan and be careful before running up north to link up with my mates after dieing. Tumbs up Rocket, and happy birthday.
  6. Our group do not kill random players down South, but if you we find you near Stary S or the airfields up North we will try to take you down. We started this after we found out the hard way that at Mil. Grade spawns people will shoot first and ask questions later. I like these PvP hotspots. My best DayZ experience was when our group was ambushed on the NW airfield. A real last man standing shootout followed. The result, all in our group dead except one, but all the players in the ambush dead to. Best DayZ moment yet.
  7. Same thing at the Norway servers yesterday. It was like playing on "easy" mode with less loot.
  8. Date/Time: 09.05.2012 (approx 22.00 CET What happened: A other player and I killed each other at the mil camp in Stary S. I got the “you are dead msg.” but when entering the game from the lobby to start a new game I respawned at the mil camp at Stary S again with all my gear. This also happened to an other admin at the Norway servers yesterday. Where you were: Mil camp Stary S. What you were doing: Shooting a other player then dying *Current installed version: 1.5.6 *Server(s) you were on: Norway 1 *Timeline of events before/after error: Died, entered the lobby, started up a new game after maybe 30 sec.