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Everything posted by matacks

  1. So heres a quick story. I'm playing dayz namalsk. I'm playing solo. Eventually I find a military compound. I carefully approached and entered one of the promising looking buildings. I find an M16A2 with ammo. I can hear gunshots so I know a few other players are present so Im careful. Then I notice this one guy who is prone and is aiming his DMR at all of the tall structures. He seemed to be playing like a total newb. I decided to take him out. It set my M16A2 to burst, aimed and placed a few nice bursts at him from about 70 yards away. It killed him almost instantly even tho I was shivering because you always are freezing in Namalsk. So anyway, I waited for a good ten minuets before leaving the tower (building) because I knew there was one more player in the compound. Later he found a big truck and I watched him drive off. At this time I decided to look my kill. What I found was surprising. the guy had a rocket lauchner, m16a2, night vision googles, binocs, alice pack and basically everything but he didnt have any food. I thought this was very stange that a player would act like such a newb like that and then have so much nice gear. He also acted like a crybaby when I killed him and then chatted that I was a c-word and that I was going to be dead and so on. anyways I continued my game, later on I almost died from stavatoin but was ultimately killed when some guy offered to give my a ride in his ute and then had his teamate shoot me when I ran towards the vehicle. it was dumb on my part but I was starving and was going to die soon anyway. it was sorta hillarous actually. it too bad I never got to use the night visoin goggles. but when I was playing it was daytime. I dont know for sure if that first guy I killed was a hacker but it seemed like it could have been a possibilty. K end of story.
  2. K guys Im seeing all the replies... I think i saw a rocket laucher.. I think. I was so nervous when I was looting that dude that I didn't hang around long. Theres a possibily that he never even had a rocket launcher but I cant say for sure. All I can say was the way the player acted compared to his gear seemed unusual, but it could have been nothing.. In the end, he may not have been a hacker and I could be totally wrong.. or maybe Im right? thatnks for all the replies. This is a pretty cool forum.
  3. I've died of hunger and thirst. It's a funny story actually. What I learned from the experience is that if you see your canteen and food indicator blinking you still have a good 15 minuets before your blood starts to drop. The blood will drop very slowly and you should still have time to run around and hopefully find food. If I remember correctly the water started blinking red first and caused no blood loss but, when both the water and hunger indicators blinked red the blood began to drop slowly, accompanied by blurred vision and shaking. When this happened it was on an older version though. and here's the story in case anyone wants to read. I spawned in a really weird location. I'm not exactly sure where I spawned but there was nothing but rolling green hills and a few mountains. I literally ran for fifteen minutes and still wasn't finding anything, just more rolling green hills and mountains. At that point I decided I didn't want to run through endless fields in a video game so I found something in my room to prop down the W key and set the character to auto-run. He literally ran for over and hour and I just kept checking back every once in a while. I ordered some pizza and the dude was still running when I went to go pick it up. When he finally did start to starve it happened like described above. When I got back with the pizza my character was dead.
  4. matacks

    DayZ Stories

    I'm pissed. I was just playing the best Dayz game I'd ever had. I was playing a solo game. After a few game sessions I found a fallen survivor. I couldn't believe how much stuff the guy had. He had an MP5 with three clips, M1911 with a ton of clips, ALICE pack, Makarov with a ton of clips, hunting knife, matches, hatchet, and a bunch of other stuff. It didn't make sense to me how he died carrying all that stuff and weaponry. Anyway, I loaded up on all his stuff and took whatever I didn't already have. I had never actually found all the items needed to get my own food from animals before. My character was pretty powerful. I ate food, changed weapons, eventually found a really nice AK and completely filled the ALICE pack with cooked steaks and medical supplies from the hospital in Cherno. I racked up 88 zombie kills and zero player kills. It was a good game. But then I started to get bored. There was nothing else to do at which point I made a mistake. I had logged out near the military base/airfield behind cherno. When I rejoined I decided to run into cherno and check out the industrial area. I thought to make a goal to collect vehicle parts so that I might be able to repair a car or helicopter or something. So I'm running towards Cherno with all my awesome gear and ALICE pack full to the brim and then somebody just snipes me in the back. my character fell to the ground with broken bones. I tried to turn around to fire back but had no idea where it came from. One more shot was fired and it was over. It was a crappy way to end that game. Too bad as I had plenty to medical stuff and food to heal myself had there been more time. I could have been more careful running towards Cherno but man... what a bummer :/
  5. matacks

    justify your actions

    What if something could be added to the game to give players a penalty for needlessy Pk'ing other players. Something like a psyche gauge. The more players you kill the more mentally deranged your player becomes. The effect could be slow at first and not have a big impact but eventually if you rack up say, something like 12 kills your player will be severly mentally deranged. This could cause negative effects to the player like lowing his ability to aim accurately or lowing the ability to heal from food items or blood transfusions. Over time the more players you kill the weaker your player will become. On the other hand, sometimes when your being attacked your clearly acting in self defence. In this situation perhaps the player who fires or attacks first would get the pentalty.
  6. I thought this would be a neat idea. If a player gets killed after about five minuets they would get back up and start moving around as either a walker/crawler etc.. but with their player skin, bag and all inventory intact. That way its not just a simple matter of picking up their loot as you'll have to bust a cap in them first. Maybe this is too big a technical issue because of the amount of memory needed to save all that information? Perhaps the players could only stay animated for an hour or so before being deleted. I thought it was a cool idea. :)