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Master Cirroji

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Posts posted by Master Cirroji

  1. This is the second thread i have ever read on here. this isn't good props for this game Mayor (admin)

    Its blatan and obvious you have been outed. and people like me who come to this game for the first time.. get a pretty bad impression of you. I will not be playing on atlantis24 unless i plan to raid your base or look for it.

    He is mst likely some pathetic loser with an inability to control things in his life, so he will just poop on other people.

    GJ on making this game look bad before i could even try it Mayor

  2. People keep complaining about "fake houses". I kind of agree that it's annoying to go into a small town full of zombies and find one house and maybe a shed with nothing in it. It tends to be not worth the risk... But it's realistic' date=' I like to imagine that the doors are "locked" or "bordered" because in a zombie out brake alot of people would do this. If you walk down your street now and try open every door... You'll probably only be able to gain access to one or two because most people lock their doors. Even though it's fustrating starting out new thinking any house could be enterable but it's just down to chance and then realising it's not down to chance at all... It's down to the building type, that's a bit of a let down. I feel the houses that are "locked" should be randomly generated. This will make it more challenging in a way but there's more chance of open buildings and you'd have to stake the house out abit before attempted to gain access.


    omg really? where do you live where in a zombie apocolypse that breaking a window or kicking a door in wouldnt prob be one of the first options

    second, where do you live that there realistically be no items in houses? do you just not own anything?

    ZOMBIE TIME means alot if not a large majority would die before they could even plan anything

    I mean go sneak in an abandoned house thats been abandoned for a while. you will find homeless peoples garbage and stuff, sometimes animals and alot of time all sorts of crap.
