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About FragBox

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  1. Here's the thing, if they were placed as traps we would have been ambushed right away. I've set traps with tents and vehicles before and I definitely do not let the customer drive around collecting gear and joy riding for a half hour before going in for the kill. As for the road, I was on a perfectly paved roadway going around the airfield. I've played a lot of ARMA II multi with friends so I'm pretty veteran when it comes to driving etc. So unless I hit invisible rubble wayyyy north of the airfield out of firing range of most rifles I'm thinking funny business. I've been playing Day Z for quite some time and I can tell when I've been sniped by a skilled marksman and when I've been duped. If this was an elaborate trap of some kind, you would think whoever set it up would be able to kill me with a few shots instead of spraying me down with silenced ammo which is pretty rare to find in the game...
  2. Well I've handled ATV's before and the sound of bullets cracking past my head was definitely NOT engine noise. My partner was even amazed and said it sounded like someone nearby was spraying our atv's down with an unknown silenced weapon. I didn't die until I went out of range of this guy's shots, honking the whole way to mock him... guessed that made him even more angry.
  3. Wow, so why bother even playing this game legitimately and wasting all that time to collect gear when I can just run a script that obtains all weapons and kill randomly? Starting over is fine, it's part of this game and I've started a new character more times than I can count. But why play fair when others are not? I'm tempted just to script my gear back and move on instead of starting over... This might even be the worst part, I had no idea who was hacking on US 1333 to kill me so I can't even really report him lol.
  4. FragBox

    Why are tents still not working?

    Hmmm, well it was an honest question so if you don't like this thread topic you can pack your shit and get the fuck out. What a cunt...
  5. FragBox

    Why are tents still not working?

    My group of friends cannot deploy tents for the life of us, We've tried placing them everywhere and they cannot, CANNOT be setup on any type of surface. I've re-installed ARMA II and all the expansions twice and updated to the latest Day Z version and it still does not work! I know the patch notes say its fixed, but its not. Won't matter anyways because my character was aced by some hacker on US 1333 and I'm done with this game until something's done with the rampant hacking and the patches that fix nothing... I know the game's in alpha but c'mon, how much money are they making from all these copies of ARMA II and the small team of devs seem to be taking this game backwards?
  6. Hey all, my friend and I were scrounging for good loot at north eastern airfield last night and we came across two ATV's sitting in the middle of the runway. We loaded both vehicles with stuff and started to drive further north to hide them, that's when the funny stuff happened. We started taking fire from a silenced weapon as we drove, " all I could hear was the suppressed firing and the bullets bouncing off the atv. I hightailed it back to the airstrip but the shots kept coming from behind me almost as if the unknown gunner was teleporting and following me? I honked my horn in victory as I rode past the airfield to freedom but all of a sudden my character had a broken leg was in shock and fell off the ATV and I heard a high pitched ringing noise. I then died shortly after. I don't know what happened exactly but I think this person might have used an exploit to kill me. I don't know if they were the server owners or just some script kids being dicks but this is quite silly. I had A LOT of gear that took about a week to collect and it was all gone in an instant. To be honest, I probably won't be playing DayZ much anymore because, SURPRISE! it's not the first time I've died under questionable circumstances. Game's in alpha, devs still testing stuff, I get it... but hey, all I'm saying is the hacking is out of control and its making me regret spending the money to buy ARMA II. I know posts like mine have been seen like a million times on this forum but I'm done until something a little more polished comes out and I will be debating ARMA III since the anti-cheat system in these games do more harm than good. I'm not a programmer and I don't know scripting but you would think all this money Bohemia interactive is making from DayZ would make them consider sitting down and doing something on the rampant cheating. This game is fun but I get the feeling nobody cares. Peace and back now to Battlefield III...
  7. Why are tents still not fixed? I don't understand why it's so hard to make an item that used to work in game work again? Have you given up DayZ dev team or are you all too busy arguing with 14 yr old hackers????
  8. lol, I don't think I can wait eight years mate but thanks for the feedback! I will look into the Battleeye guide.
  9. Hello, as a server admin for a Multiplay Day Z server how do you add invdividuals to the ban list? For some reason, the bans do not take effect when I add names to the ban.txt list and I cannot ban individuals through the Arma II control panel. Any help would be appreciated to rid of some troublemakers on our server. Thank you!
  10. FragBox

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I'll stop DC-ing to avoid zeds when you make them stop clipping through walls of houses, barns, sheds, etc.... To be fair, how can you say DC-ing to avoid swarming zombies warping through buildings to attack you is cheating? I can see a reason if someone logged just to escape another player/player death but c'mon, the zeds are pretty broken right now.MAKE IT SO WE DONT HAVE TO DC BECAUSE WE HAVE NO OTHER OPTION.