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About terraknight

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. terraknight

    [Tutorial] How to set up a DayZ Overwatch server

    well, I can't do much about that, noone is writing, but I've noticed an increase in the viewercount, so I hope whoever watched it thought it helped. As for the video, yeah, he might add music later on, but he isn't speaking, so its not really a biggie, then again, music might be nice
  2. So, This is a video totally made by my dear friend and community tech Leavaris, its a short how-to on setting up a DayZ Overwatch server http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRPO7qRe0Ug&feature=youtu.be If you have any questions, I suggest taking them to the video itself, as that's where he'll answer as much as he can. I would like to ask of you to keep this bumped for everyone interested to see, thanks for your time peeps.
  3. terraknight

    Silliest excuse for an Admin Ban.

    If this is your final "Vengeance" upon us at TKG then so be it. I don't like to reply to these things cause it'll always end up with an argument so this is the only post I'll make. First thing off, you're a smug ass. Noone of us wanted to admit it at your face, but every time you came into TS you acted like one and everyone knew about it except possibly yourself, that said we held in our irritation and let you be because you were enjoying the game. After the weeks of playing with us, however, it's become pretty obvious that you use an ESP hack of sorts, evading any and all people hunting you and finding the best vehicles. Sure, it can be thought "hey, Shroom is the best DayZ: Origins player around!" but when you always was the one to get the kills out of your team, always finding everyones bases (including the well hidden storage boxes, houses, tents etc.) and always finding the best vehicles around, its suspicious We finally had enough when we for 3 hours straight were hunting you with 4 guys, all highly skilled and good hunters and you hid from them in EXACTLY the way so they would not be able to shoot you even when they spread out over a larger area. That being said, you could've just been an "extremely l33t guy with ub3r h4x0r skills" but no, from your attitude in teamspeak as well as playing style when in game we can rule out any possibility of that. Not to mention the fact that when anyone approached you even abit or even when they shot at you, you did tend to combat-log which we did give you a stern warning for which also was given to "deaf-ears" That about sums up why I personally banned you, but make no mistake, I was not even in the game, I was in teamspeak hearing it from the 4 people involved in hunting you and decided that you obviously is hacking. I'd like to take this space to warn anyone of this person if he ever comes to your server as well. Now, as I said, I usually don't post in these things, but I will not tolerate you giving slanderous speeches about TKGaming. We've done Immidiate restarts (only Leavaris can do this) only if: Everyone online is on TS and no others are on There's a problem with the server Else we do 15m warning script restarts every 8h or if someone has built their foundation and wanna continue building. Mistakes have happened when people have not responded when asked if a restart is awright with them. but we've never started 20times in one day (most I know was one of the first days which people were building their houses, which probably was around 5-6) The reason we state we "restart at random" is because there's way too many people that take our times, come on ONLY at that time, fly over to Sector B, loot it and then leave again, Now, I have to say that I love the way you say you "challenged" the admins, when you only did this: <08:39:21> "Shroom" connected to channel ".: :| TKG ARMA Community |::." <08:39:41> "Shroom" pokes you: http://dayzmod.com/f...an-admin-ban/ Oh dear! <08:39:41> "Shroom" disconnected (leaving) (taken straight from TS) Which was the only thing you did, you didn't talk it out, you didn't say anything, you just came in and poked me with this. I gotta say tho, the way you picture me as a "Childish dick who loves to ruin peoples dayz" is kinda funny, cause that's more or less how the rest of us pictured you. In any case, This is my first and last post in this discussion, you've been banned for obviously using ESP and that's final.
  4. terraknight

    Confession from a bandit

    thought I'd spoil myself abit and bought this one http://www.cyborggaming.com/prod/freq5.htm I've heard the quality on it is top notch
  5. terraknight

    Confession from a bandit

    hehe, yeah, I've got my clan mates being around too, right now not so much tho, most people are going to sleep/sleeping or going to school. I'm only awake cause I'm waiting for a new headset =P
  6. terraknight

    Confession from a bandit

    I've actually got my own server for these kinds of thing. You will find all 3 of them if you search for TKG or TKGaming.com in the DayZcommander/ingame you will find it. The Fallujah one is open and the 2 others are whitelisted servers, ofc fallujah have its problem with hackers every now and then, but we usually get in some cool people. Anyway, I freaking love helping people that way, and if anyone screws with me/tries shooting me down, I tend to have gunners with me, but as I said, except for the Airfield, I've not had any survivors shooting at me when I've been in the heli/osprey.
  7. Awright, I have to confess, altho I'm a bandit, have always been since I first met people. When I got the first helicoter up and running, I'am a changed man. I now scout the coasts of Cherno, Islands of Lingor and Desert of Fallujah for survivors, pick them up, bandage/bloodbag them and then drop them off wherver they want, usually the main airfield/prison. It fills me with joy, and the fact that NOONE I have approached (except at AFs) to pickup have ever even tried shooting at me. This is also a reason to why I love sidechat. Once my private hive have gotten RMod installed, I will retexture a Vtol/Osprey into my liking and go around helping people on my server. Be Cautious tho, if you do not meet me in a chopper/plane/osprey, I will most likely be in for the kill (sometimes I'm more lenient if I have any other vehicle) So yeah, there you got it folks, thats what I do with once I feel "endgame" have come to me. Anyone else feeling/doing the same?
  8. terraknight

    TKG DayZ Chenarus Server 2 - WHITELIST

    I believe its 300
  9. terraknight

    Was this a punishment from god?

    truthfully, heavenly judgement have been bestown upon you and it was righteous
  10. terraknight

    which server company to go through?

    personally, I would recommend Vilayer. Within 10 minutes of us talking to them and paid for the server, we were on it playing with everything working perfectly. Here's 2 things that'll help you far if you decide to go with them: the website http://www.vilayer.com/cl/aff.php?aff=123 their teamspeak ts3.vilayer.com they've been there to help us at any given time so far. Sure, sometimes they are busy, but that is to be expected
  11. terraknight

    US 1028 hosted by üÑ - Admin abuse

    sure Gummy, I remember you. We actually managed to shoot your ass, steal stuff from your base and move out WITHOUT retorting to asshole methods using restarts, kicks and hacks, but if you wanna believe it to feel more safe and secure, you are very welcome
  12. terraknight

    Ghillie Suits

    altho I think you're a normal troll, I will answer truthfully: If you found civilian clothing, then its the same clothes you wear right now. If you found a Ghille suit, it would say Ghille suit, simple as that.
  13. terraknight

    Im looking for a new Dayz host.(SOLVED)

    yeah, you ought to use them, btw, here's my referral link, if you're gonna sign up =P http://www.vilayer.com/cl/aff.php?aff=123
  14. terraknight

    Im looking for a new Dayz host.(SOLVED)

    I'd like to introduce you to http://www.vilayer.com The, by far, best serverhoster for dayz I've had yet.
  15. terraknight

    To whomever the owner of UK34 is

    easier said then done guys, We host with Vilayer, and they took their time to make it available for us. Ought to be updated now tho.