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About freak367

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    Hi, I'm FreaK.
  1. freak367

    Trade Anything For Tent

    Even with the broken tents I've never known of them being flattened, so it sounds like someone ran over your tents. If so, I think running over them automatically deletes everything inside anyways. Not certain though. But yeah, 2.6 fixes them, the server I play on updated and tents have been perfect, all saving properly and behaving. Infact, the one weird thing that did happen, is the tents I placed on 2.6 all duplicated upon restart, so I randomly gained 2 more pitched tents in my name :thumbsup: Can't complain about that.
  2. freak367

    "Toggle Key" Macro to Sidewinder x4?

    Well, you learn something every day :D, thank you. I don't use default keys though :P, I have everything custom. I'll try it out next time I'm on.
  3. Yeah the side chat is great, I miss it so much. It actually allowed me to meet up with others, communicate with people I see in the distance instead of needing to get REALLY close and people could ask for help and others would assist. I wouldn't have enjoyed Lingor Island half as much I reckon if it didn't have side chat. It opens the game up so much. Chernarus can get pretty boring playing solo, knowing you need to be up someones ass to actually communicate with them, and by then they've usually killed you. And, it was great seeing people call out snipers, warning everyone else about bandits locations, I met so many cool people on Lingor Island through the side chat.
  4. freak367

    "Toggle Key" Macro to Sidewinder x4?

    If you're running DayZ through steam, you can do what I do to autorun, sprint, keep holding it down, toggle the steam interface, release the run key, toggle the steam interface off, and you're auto running (: Also works with keeping the Compass permanently visible and whatever else you can think of, makes the game think you're still holding the key. To stop auto running doing that, just tap the run key and you regain control, while auto running though you still have full other movement like normal sprinting. Going into your inventory also cancels the run.
  5. freak367

    Trade Anything For Tent

    Sounds like your server is running an older version of DayZ where tents are broken, make sure it's updated to the patch that came out recently, it fixes tents. If it isn't updated, I suggest asking an admin to push for it to be updated, or choose another server that has the latest patch. And make sure you have it too.
  6. freak367

    A tiny little inventory tweak

    I agree, I wish moving a weapon somewhere wouldn't move ALL of the ammo too. And I wish the game would just decline to put an item into a tent if there's no room, instead of destroying it. In the past I've tried to put weapons into a tent with no room, and the game just deletes them. And I need to be careful that I either make room or throw ammo into my backpack when putting a weapon into a tent, if there's no room for the ammo, the game will still attempt to put it all into the tent, and with no room, ammo goes poof. So annoying.
  7. While tents were broken on Chernarus and I was carrying everything good I had. I decided to give Lingor Island a go since I had nothing to lose. It was... unique, first life I lived for a couple of hours, got fairly well kitted out. Went to Calamar, told nobody to shoot me on the airfield because I just wanted to shoot a cow in the face, (Which was right on the runway), so I ran up to it, owned it, and then another player came and greeted me on the airstrip, and we ended up talking and became friends, and I made quite a few friends through side chat, which I missed so much. Makes the game so much more interesting. We ended up looting the Airfield and then at the Barracks a sniper on a hill annihilated me through the barracks window. Respawned at Pista, met another guy who was friendly, and on side chat we met up at the gas station, explored a little, met another guy who was also friendly, 3 strong we explored some more, one of them got a DMR from a dead guy, while running from a horde we came under fire, our DMR guy put him down after a firefight, I got hit and dropped to 1600 blood, but was still alive, then we continued to escape from the zombies up a hill, and then a group of 4 - 5 bandits appeared from all angles and massacred us on said hill with machine guns and snipers. It was intense. Respawned, went to a city, got sniped. Respawned, went to an airfield, got sniped. Respawned, again made my way to a nearby city, got sniped. Respawned, talked on side chat about where I was (Maruko I believe), the first sniper to kill me at Calamar ended up being a pretty cool guy, and he was near me, so he (in a bandit skin), met me where I spawned and gave me a Ghillie and an M24 with 7 mags, we made our way to the Maruko Airfield, and while exploring an office near the airfield we came under sniper fire from across the airfield while on the roof, took cover and then we got into a massive firefight with bandits, we put down atleast 3, I seen a survivor through my scope run up to a prone ghillie guy who was shooting us and unload a SAW into his head, I let him be. My companion fell off the roof and died, so I was left with 0 experience with a sniper rifle without knowing how to use mildots for distance, fighting in a war against bandits. One of them had balls of steel and sprinted across the airfield at me using a tree near me as cover so I couldn't see/shoot him. I finished off all of my M24 ammo trying to hit this sprinting target, then he entered the office, I dropped the empty M24 and equipped my axe, met him on the stairs, took a swing but swiftly got put down by an M9SD. Respawned on Pista again, swiftly escaped Pista after a quick looting of Villa Mara and Benio (hate Pista now), found a heli crash nearby, got an AS50 and SAW with 1 mag each. Equipped the AS50, stuck the SAW in my backpack. Then logged off, haven't been on in 2 days since tents are now fixed in Chernarus. So it was fun for the most, I met more people than I have ever met before, got into firefights which I have never experienced before, and just messed around. It's like a big playground. Really good map and atmosphere, although I'm sure now and again the environmental sounds would throw in a couple of stepping sounds to make me crap myself.
  8. freak367

    Lingor and Normal DayZ

    I suggest filtering dayzlingor.tk The official hive, quite a lot of servers are connected to that now giving you a good choice of servers that'll save your character.
  9. Yes, remove it, I'm sick of seeing towns and cities barb wired to shit. I'd prefer proper barricading, wood + toolbox lets you barricade windows and doors of buildings, and to get the barricade down it needs to be broken by hitting/shooting it, like hospital windows. Or to make them more useful, make it so only a crowbar can take down barricades.
  10. freak367

    Pending Update: Build

    Sounds great, game-breaking issues fixed :D, good work Rocket + Team. And I welcome a hive wipe, so much duplicated gear and just mess all over, wipe it all, so we can all start on a level playing field with clean servers. It's only fair.
  11. freak367

    Underrated Weapons

    Oh I can imagine, hell, I have a screenshot from an early life of mine months ago when I wasn't too familiar with the weapons, I used the Lee Enfield against a zombie in a barn, far from anywhere very populated. And this happened. Notice the broken leg which was just the nail in the coffin of that life. The flares were for my finale where I attempted to crawl out of the barn. It didn't work. So yeah, the Lee Enfield is VERY situational against zombies. And... that screenshot doesn't even show the entire massacre, I count 17 dead or alive zombies there, but that pile of zombies continued to the stairs xD. It was baaaad.
  12. freak367

    Underrated Weapons

    Depends on the situation :P, I came across a heli crash site and moved onto a hill about 200m away and I had a Lee Enfield, so I went prone and unleashed the beast on the 10 or so military zombies, the damn thing is accurate, no bullet drop either, popped one and then all of them started sprinting at me, I was able to just lie there and drop every zombie, one by one, 5 headshots too out of the bunch. I had underestimated the Lee Enfield up until then. Just the accuracy and power it has, I'd feel comfortable in combat up to 300m with it. If I ever want to go somewhere dangerous without risking a high tier weapon, I take a Lee Enfield now, of course outside of those circumstances I'd never even think about using it on a zombie just because of the extreme aggro. 6722 damage is a good enough reason to use it against other players if threatened though.
  13. freak367

    Underrated Weapons

    The M14 AIM is great, that's my current primary, nice and powerful with minimal bullet drop. My backup is an M4A3 CCO which I have a soft spot for, in close quarters, the red dot is great, the full auto ability makes it seriously powerful, a possible 106,650 damage from a single clip which you can empty in hardly any time, and the flashlight makes it something you can use at night although slightly dangerous, it can blind enemies though if you point it right at them while lighting them up for you. Such a versatile weapon. Talking zombies-only, the Bizon PP-19 SD is great, 64 rounds, silent, full auto if needed, good iron sights. If players weren't an issue I'd probably carry me a Bizon. And I love the M1911, decent in every department and the ammo is so plentiful, I use it over most other sidearms, can't go wrong with it. And if you ever needed to use a sidearm on another player, other than the PDW, the M1911 is a good choice due to the extra damage. It still needs tweaking though in my opinion, the M1911 and Revolver got nerfed too much in
  14. freak367

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Getting chased by zombies?, run through a bush and then backpedal away making sure the zombie(s) also run through the bush. The line of sight will be broken and the zombie will instantly lose aggro and start walking. I find backpedaling to be the fastest way to get away with minimal noise. Too close and their sight will kick in and they will re-aggro. Zombies walk indoors, so you can use a building to your advantage, if it has two entrances, run though the building to trap the zombies inside. Otherwise you can use a building as a tactical advantage letting you carefully place your shots, 1 bullet, 1 zombie. Bridges also cause zombies to walk, and often lose aggro. The Hatchet is the ultimate zombie killing machine, 1 hit kill, silent, more range than zombie attacks. 0 noise and 0 sight does not guarantee no aggro, if a zombie comes within say 5 feet of you, it will probably aggro, and if you're prone which is often the only way to get both 0 noise and 0 sight, they will most likely land 1 - 3 hits before you can stand up. It's not worth the risk, keep atleast 12 feet between you and zombies when sneaking. Hunt and use meat to replace blood, basic survival. Hunting Knife, Hatchet and Matches are all you need, kill, gut, right click hatchet next to a tree to harvest wood, right click matches to create a fireplace, scroll on the fireplace to light fire, scroll to cook meat. It all cooks at once in your inventory, then scroll on the fireplace to put out the fire (It shouldn't need to be lit for more than 10 seconds). 800 blood per cooked meat. I carry 5 meat on me at all times, an instant 4000 blood. A single cow will give you enough meat to recover 6400 blood. Who needs blood bags? Always carry Morphine. Seriously, you can never know when you will break your legs. A zombie can sprint into you and break your legs, you can break them turning into an object or sometimes trying to step over something. Morphine is a life saver the same way you always carry a bandage and painkillers. Just incase... Throw tin cans and empty bottles against hard surfaces to attract zombies to the noise and away from where you want to be. Smoke grenades work better. However, with smoke grenades, make sure you are not in the line of sight of a zombie when throwing it. If a zombie sees you throw it, there is a chance it will ignore the smoke and aggro on you. If you see a zombie flash in front of you for a split second, it often means that zombies have spawned nearby. This can be a life saver when at a helicopter crash site, because that often means about 15 zombies have spawned within 50 feet. Be careful. Zombie spawns don't give a crap how close you are, they will spawn if they want to spawn, even in your line of sight. Loot spawns can be slow, if you are the first to get to an area, you will spawn the zombies and the loot, you will often see the zombies spawning as you approach, however you can beat the loot. So if you go into a building to find no loot, don't fear. Loot through the area to find what has spawned, and then backtrack to catch the slow loot spawns. Sometimes you just need patience. That's all I can think of and I need a poo.
  15. freak367

    Aren't zombies moving too fast?

    They are considerably better than they used to be with movement, still not perfect, but they can often be easily lost, just run through a bush and then backpedal making sure the zombie walks into the bush, they sill stop and lose aggro, and backpedaling creates low-ish noise on any surface while still being fairly quick so you can get away without making them aggro again. They do need to be a bit slower though, and it would be good if they had the ability to hit while moving instead of them needing to stop to attack. So they can continue to run while attacking, which gives less opportunity to land a precision shot since now you can just tease them into attacking, and when they stop to flail their arms, just pop them in the head.