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About bobafett23

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bobafett23

    How did your most recent character die?

    i have 3 characters ...the first 1 died while driving the ural some invisible people shooting in an open field ( i lived long enough to see the tracer rounds ) ..then i though ok youve had your fun ill use my 2nd char as hes the other end of the map ..(didnt make a difference i got teleported to them and shot in the face with an as50) ..i didnt bother logging in my third char . This has been going on now most nights after around 1am .so far ive .. 1.been teleported and shot 2.made to dance while being eaten by zoms 3.dropped from the sky 4.teleported inside a room i couldnt get out of 5.nuked 6.spoken to by a hacker while he ran around me before he blew us both up 7.ive been a rabbit too.. its getting very tiresome ..i love the game (hell i bought it 3 times) but even i am begining to of had enough...
  2. bobafett23

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    support and bump
  3. bobafett23

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    i have read every single input into this debate and its more than obvious that 95% of people are upset with this problem having been a victim of it them selves ... so pulling together the suggestions of the many and trying to put them in to practice i suggest the following and if you support it bump it untill there are enough of us with a big enough voice to get rockett to listen.. 1 .. no login delays or logout delays while in normal gameplay roaming, looting etc a..reason = the servers are to buggy and often you hop to find a decent one ..also sometimes things come up that you have to do (in real life) so loggin out you shouldnt be penalised also a large number of players would shoot you on sight loot your corpse in its delayed state .. 2.. as suggested a flag system say 3 bars(like the eyes /ears on your screen) that lasts say 90seconds per bar thats been activated ( its a long time in a fire fight) when its allerted with gunshots(very close to you/ at you or you fire)or damage to your character through zombie or other player interaction it prevents you from logging out with anything other than an alt f4..of which if a player does so hes data is sent for review for cheating (continued f4 use = month ban etc..)as f4 use is using the mechanic's of the server's and the sandbox system not the individual gameplay intended on the 1 server .we are not wizards that can morph/teleport we are humans trying to survive /hunt 3.. server hopping ..popping out for a smoke or making a coffee takes time (5mins or so) or if a server isnt to your taste (its dark/laggy/your mates arn't there etc) then joining another should be no problem..but if you then try to rejoin the server you just left ie "1 server back" then the info is stored on your exit from the server like a(timer clock) cookie and you are prevented from rejoining for a 5 min period or a freeze/pass out upon rejoining ..preventing quick return to take out a player that you chose not to face in the first place. This way legitamate players get to enjoy the game and go about thier other everyday tasks (work /school etc with being penalised) while the in game players have to finish what chain of events they have started before being able to log out..and if you die because you couldnt use the mechanics of the game to bend the rules then seriously you need to get better at the game itself not look for loopholes around it ..
  4. bobafett23

    Barbwire really?

    i can vault over wire as well as sand bags ...they dont really stop the zom's as they morph through it anyway