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About allseeing

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  1. allseeing

    We need Objectives....

    Its not like you would be forced to play the objectives, Arma is a open game. It would be something else to do.
  2. allseeing

    We need Objectives....

    The game is grate but it gets a little boring after you get every thing you need+more. The only thing to do is kill zombies,bandits and help the occasional player. It seems like the game is more about looting then it is survival. I do not mind dieng because it gives me something new to do. I do not know what the objectives would be but i am sure people have some idea's. It would be cool to see some objectives that took multiple players to accomplish so that more people would play together. It would be nice to get rewarded with items with in the objective or once completing the objective. Its like skinner pigeon experiments The game kind of all ready uses these tactics to keep people sucked in by spreading out loot, but not randomly. I know that if I go into a firehouse I am more likely to find a military grade weapon then in a shed.
  3. allseeing

    Spawn with a weapon...

    I have changed my mind after playing it for another week. The game seems like its more about looting then survival. I know the game is in development but we need objective's. After you get all your supply's and head north the only thing to do really is kill zombies and help the occasional players.
  4. Their are 410,323 unique players. What are unique players? Long lifes, zombies killed? By the way what is considered to be allot of kills in this game?
  5. allseeing

    Balanced background idea

    In real life you can all ways learn. How about books to teach you how to fix cars hunt and repair your self. Or different classes can teach each other stuff. It makes it harder to play as a loner though. You have to know how to apply a bandage to survive.
  6. allseeing

    Bird Alarm

    I was walking threw the woods the other day (in real life) and I noticed a flock of birds flew away when I got close. I do not know if its possible but I think it would be cool to have bird seed. Throw the seeds out, birds spawn and when any one gets close they flutter away. Is it possible? What do you guys think?
  7. allseeing

    Remove sniper rifles.

    Yea but then you would have bandits with silence rifles. I like to hunt down these killer snipers and noise makes that possible.
  8. allseeing

    Start with one food and one drink.

    You should not have to server hop to get gear. When you are on a large populated server the small towns get picked because people die often and they respawan on the coast. Sure you can try to hit the loot spots (all the ones on the coast are hit) but how long will you last with out a gun,drinks,food,meds ect? It makes it frustrating when you have to spawn 10 times to find loot just to survive on populated servers.
  9. allseeing

    Spawn with a weapon...

    I love this game but its been getting on my nerves lately. Due to the update we now spawn with out a weapon. Its realistic but the zombies are glichy and will find you even when you are not in sight or make noise. Some times you end up having to go threw 20 houses to find a gun and by that time a zombie has detected you weather it be from a glich or from your mistakes. You uselly end up dieing before finding one. If we are not to spawn with guns at least make pistols more available. This is not the E.U. is it? Guns should be around. I think we should spawn with a gun, or make them more available at least by spawn points. Nothing heavy glocks and Markov's. m9's are popular guns in the real world why dont we see more?
  10. allseeing

    Barbwire really?

    I hate bobwire, I got trapped inside of a building. I broke my legs and died trying to get over it. If it continues it should be limited to one or two pieces being laid per a person so you dont even up with whole city's blocked off. They block off all the buildings and snipe every one trying to get in them. At least give us wire cutters.
  11. allseeing

    GRRR Frustration

    Lately this game has been causing me allot of frustration. I love it so much but its just a beta. Witch is the reason we need to spawn with guns. The zombies are buggy and can hear you when you are not supposed to be heard. You could do all the right things, walk slow, crouch and stay out of vision and still get detected. It happens all the time. I was in prone and out of no where I zombie comes running. Either spawn with a gun or make pistols more available. Some times you end up going threw 5 towns before finding a gun. Uselessly you die before because the zombie's are so glichy. Crow bars and hatchets are a nice addition but it takes a unrealistic amount of blows before they fall. I do understand that you want to make the game realistic, but its just the beta and its glitchy.