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Survivor Tyler

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Everything posted by Survivor Tyler

  1. Survivor Tyler

    Lets Play

    Well whats this supposed to mean. You'd love to see a video. Its in the middle of uploading. .-. Or your just being sarcastic and want to just say something beyond stupid.
  2. Survivor Tyler

    Lets Play

    Well i have 4 episodes in coming. Uploaded one last night after rendering. But forgot i had to activate my account to upload more than 15 minutes >.<
  3. Survivor Tyler

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    This is the brand new i3. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115077
  4. Survivor Tyler

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    With a 500 budget. You hsouldnt be using an i5 at all. Your main focus should be graphics card.
  5. Survivor Tyler

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6863991/Windows_7_home_premium_64_bit_by_(oldBen) for os.
  6. Survivor Tyler

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    Well give me a minute. Ill be right with you on what i think you should build :) What kind of gaming are you planning on doing on that budget O_o
  7. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    Really? Thats really surprising. At my work we have so many calls about issues with computers that have had one shit out on them.
  8. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    Ehhhh. I've seen so many people have issues with Gigabytes. I myself have used Evga for the past 5 years in all of my builds This is what i would recommend. http://www.evga.com/articles/00678/
  9. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    BUT. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/56579-going-to-buy-a-pc-to-play-this-help-please/ Building a pc is the way to go. Just check out this thread. We convinced him ^.^
  10. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    Well if you want to save a few hundred dollars yes.
  11. Survivor Tyler

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Been counting down all week!
  12. Okay so i join into US 1218 Virginia. Vet server as usual. Hacker bait to be honest. As well as i know this is annoying and redundent due to seeing threads about millions of hackers but i told everyone on the server i would make a post. We got mass killed. No point anymore since i died. So i'll stay on this server and wait for more shit to go down. If you were on the server support would be loved! Or fraps. Or SS's. SOOO! Yeah :D
  13. Survivor Tyler

    Yet another incident. US 1218 Virginia

    As well as the random weapons crate in the middle and some bomb looking thing dropping from some chicks arm. Like this isnt fucking proof that there some kind of hacking -.-
  14. Survivor Tyler

    Yet another incident. US 1218 Virginia

    Like i said. If you read the video description. I did this in the MIDDLE of being teleported.
  15. Survivor Tyler

    Yet another incident. US 1218 Virginia

  16. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    Agreed. people who bitch about i7 being needed is bullshit. i5 is way ahead of its time. hell dude i see gaming computers rocking i3 kicking ass.
  17. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    i agree with it all. Except ram and AMD blows cock. To be honest 8gb wont last 4-5 years. You need at least 16. BUT! It works. as far as casing. My personal favorite. Which is what im using is the white Bitfinex colossus
  18. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    Oh fuck. Dude. 1,500. We can work with that ^.^ Research commencing :)
  19. Survivor Tyler

    Yet another incident. US 1218 Virginia

    Okay well i have evidence. Video evidence :D Let me upload this shit.
  20. Survivor Tyler

    Yet another incident. US 1218 Virginia

    *Update* We were all just teleported and then we all exploded. This is fun :D *crosses fingers for thunderdome*
  21. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    He's checking with his mum. ^.^
  22. Survivor Tyler

    Looking at getting a new PC help.

    Budget please! :D
  23. Yes, it is more than possible i myself at one point had 1300 zombie kills. Just run around. Bring them to a barn. And keep wacking. Although a lot of people us ammo glitches to do it.
  24. Anyone just pm interested in a group.
  25. Lulz. Dude i was once in your shoes. Let me see what i can do.