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Survivor Tyler

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Everything posted by Survivor Tyler

  1. Sorry this is thumbs down from me. I dont understand. Because of the fact that this destroys the realism within the game itself
  2. Survivor Tyler

    Looking for an active friendly squad to play with!

    Steam name Jtyler1995! Looking for active players as well!
  3. Survivor Tyler

    Anti Server Hopping Suggestions

    This to me is a terrible idea. This is seriously ridicilous do you know how many times people are forced to combat log when people are spawning on them hacking? How would this help the innocent players against hackers?
  4. Survivor Tyler

    Body Inspection With Degredation

    +1 for you man. This is brilliance at its finest.
  5. Survivor Tyler

    Non-enterable Houses

    +1 all day mannggg.
  6. The only time i really get black and white screen is when my health is rather low. Im not really sure what the issue could be. Did you try switching servers and seeing if the problem persists?
  7. Survivor Tyler

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Whooppps. I wasnt paying attentino when i was typing. Jtyler1995 is my Steamid
  8. Survivor Tyler

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Steam id = Jtyler Im looking for people to play with!! Currently outside elecktro with some grenades and my m4 :D
  9. I would love this!! My steam id is jtyler1995! Im a new Arma 2 player i started about 2 weeks ago. I know how to survive and thrive in Dayz and i am so sick of playing solo! It would be nice to team up and find people that also hate being killed by F***ing bandits!