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Survivor Tyler

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Everything posted by Survivor Tyler

  1. Survivor Tyler

    Issue when loading Arma 2

    Thanks very much for you time mate! Its nice to have active players willing to assist other on forums for once instead of trolling! Cheers!
  2. Survivor Tyler

    Issue when loading Arma 2

    Yeah i can still play the game with no issues. I finally got into a 1.7.2 server and it runs fine. I just wasn't sure if this was a major problem i would have to address or if this could lead to something worse.
  3. Survivor Tyler

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I wasted my whole clip except about 4 shots and the disconnecting and reconnecting still refills the ammo quantity
  4. Survivor Tyler

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Okay stop bitching. First off its alpha don't be a prick about losing gear just fuck off mate. its patch day and these things are bound to happen if you do not like the way he and the other dev's are designing the game then fuckin' don't play it. As well as "when they loose items that took" It's lose. Not loose.
  5. Survivor Tyler

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I think we owe all the Devs a hand right now with all they are doing.
  6. Survivor Tyler

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    It is comments like this' date=' that keep us all going :) Humour is the solution to all problems, IMHO. We've isolated some fixes. There are several servers that work fine on the new update (minus the non-critical bugs), but the rest do not. We have a fix that involves new server files. These are being tested and will be distributed once we have confirmed. [/quote'] Thanks rocket for the constant updates! Keep pluggin' away man! Cheers!
  7. Survivor Tyler

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Rocket your doing a great job! Gotta love patch day though. All these guys freaking out because of the little bugs they obviously dont know how hard all the dev's are working. Best of luck mates! Cheers!
  8. Survivor Tyler

    Ghillies in the mist

    Found a ghillie my first day in dayz in a cafe/pub in elecktro
  9. Survivor Tyler


    +1 Yes YES YES. So true
  10. Survivor Tyler

    what is going on ? no server works

    piece of shit hackers get pissed when they are banned. SO i mean its common sense duuuude.
  11. Survivor Tyler


    Omg best comment here. This isn't a pve game that would ruin the game itself. Stop making numerous threads on this topic
  12. It's annoying as hell* If you're going to correct someone atleast say the sentance properly lmfao0o0opfo0fosd0fo. Oh well sorry that my iPad messed up a word. But it's nice of you to troll along. Seriously go waste your time with something else and learn to spell sentence
  13. Everyone just needs to continue to be patient you cannot rush processes such as these As well as people need to stop writing loose and using it as the word lose. Is annoying as all hell
  14. Survivor Tyler

    "wait for character to create" bug

    I figured some shit went down with the central database. Friggin people have no life
  15. Survivor Tyler

    Why did you shoot me.

    This game is based on these things if you dont like it then im sorry go post in one of the other numerous threads on this same topic. Request a PVE server but to be honest that is so beyond pointless. Where is the fun in that? There is no skill and no worry about other actual players with skill. Only dealing with brain dead cpu's
  16. Survivor Tyler


    I feel that the more hardcore aspects should be left to veteran servers.
  17. Guess what' date=' these threads will continue, if you are able to think logically even for a slightest bit, you would understand why. [/quote'] Oh this is wonderful. First of all just because you are going to bitch about something because you suck at arma two and cant seem to kill someone with your little axe because thats all you find that isnt our problem. Dont come to forums to bitch about it.
  18. Survivor Tyler

    Healing yourself? -blood-

    Animals are quickest way to really refill your blood if you play solo
  19. I am so beyond sick of seeing numerous threads over and over about this. Dude seriously just suck it up and be more aware of your surroundings. People will kill you for gear. Get used to it.
  20. Survivor Tyler

    Item duping/hacking

  21. Survivor Tyler

    Can anyone actually play at night?

    Night Vision goggles all night mang. Having a brighter night would ruin the use of the NVG's
  22. LOL. I love seeing these threads. Best of luck with this mate. THis will never happen your like the 30th person to suggest this worthless horse shit
  23. Survivor Tyler

    Died of dehydration... in the rain.

    Even if drinking rain water didnt completely refill your thirst it would still be useful. I completely agree. as well as with the drinking straight from a water source.
  24. Survivor Tyler

    Give Tents/Vehicles Inventory Space Counters

    Similar thread has already been posted. But +1