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Survivor Tyler

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Everything posted by Survivor Tyler

  1. Survivor Tyler

    Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included

    LAWL. This is cute. I'm the moron. So what if they are exploiting then so be. What the fuck can you do? Nothing Admin abuse is another thing. That gets called out all the time for nonsense. Banning you is bullshit if that occured but at the same time numerous amounts of servers restart constantly between 4-6 hours automatically. I dont quite understand how that could be admin abuse..
  2. Survivor Tyler

    Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included

    Your a fucking moron.
  3. Survivor Tyler

    Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included

    No that isnt hacking. Its not hard to get 20 fucking tents and a few cars. Players see things they cant accomplish on DayZ and jump to "hacking" Seriously maybe if you learned to play the game you would stop trying to ruin peoples hard earned loot. Just because people have loot they automatically start screaming "HACKERS" Seriously fuck off. You found a base. loot it and run. Keep regearing there. Be fucking smart.
  4. Survivor Tyler

    Snipers are OP?

    LOL. This post is a fucking joke.
  5. Survivor Tyler

    Is there an M4A1 CCO SD or was this hacked in?

    This is pathetic. That every gun that is a decent weapon has to be questioned as a hacked weapon... Interesting that we have been dealingwith that amount of hacking
  6. Oh god. So i am currently in Elecktro with my friend who was a new spawn, and i am protecting him while he is looting different spots. So my friend and I move towards the firehouse, and BAM! 3 guys in the firehouse. 2 ak's and a Lee enfield are pointing straight at us. So we burst out of the firehouse and i am assuming they saw my m4 SD so they opened fire on us. My friend had a few grenades so he tossed them in the building killing 2 of the 3 guys. Then this guy with a lee enfield snuck up behind him and drops him with 2 shots. At this point i sprint to the firehouse and dive behind a wall. As i peak around a corner i see this guy dropping zombeis with a 1911. So i take a few shots and hit him in the body once. He spins around to stare at my he fires off a few rounds hits me with 2. and im down to 9.7k blood. Bleeding everywhere. He nips me once more in the foot. I roll behind cover. im gushing bad. and im assuming he is as well. I hear him reload so i roll right around the corner and unload on him but at the same time he pumps a lee enfield round in my body. Im at 956 blood and he drops dead.. Then bam! Server restarts. Im at 15 blood when i get kicked. So i log back on. And im at 600 blood. I whip 1 steak out of my pack eat that shit up. And luckily bandage myself up and make my way stumbling out of the firehouse with 900 blood. Phew what a heart pumping experience. SO thank you server!
  7. Survivor Tyler

    Server Restart.. Thank you.. LOL

  8. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I know. Fucking alpha man. I know its said so many times. But seriously these guys are doing there best they can. Hop off their back and just be a good little test subject.
  9. Survivor Tyler

    Server Restart.. Thank you.. LOL

    All hail the mighty server restart! Lol God damn it saved my life once, stole my gear millions. But fuck mate. It sure as hell comes in handy sometimes xD
  10. Survivor Tyler

    I killed a man. . .

    So here i am trekking my way through Stary Sobor. I'm on my 9th day alive, and i've considerably geared myself out with coyote backpack. M4A1 holo i picked up 4 days back. Im down to 2 mags in my m4 and 5 mags for my .45. My foods blinking and i have yet to find matches so i havent had the ability to kill animals and i have been living off grocery stores. So i make my approach to the store. Low crawling to avoid all zombies in hope no one sees a zombie aggro. I hit the concrete and sprint into the market. Then bam! 2 guys in stary market. But phew they have yet to see me. They are having the most intense stare down and yelling over direct chat. The one man has a Lee Enfield. and the other just a revolver and a hatchet. They are yellign and screaming and it seems i came across a hostage situation here. So i lay back and just witness as this man makes this other player drop all his gear on the ground. So the player drops his gear and backs away as the other guy starts to loot it. Then instantly the hostage pulls a makarov out of no where! He the unloads a clip into this guy. And dives behind a wall. The other guy is bleeding bad and then falls unconscious. The kids grabs his gear and sprints away. So i make my approach to the kid on the floor. He starts pleeing for help over direct chat. Me being low on medical supplies not even having a bandage on me at that time i cant be much help to him. So he begs me just to shoot him and get it over with. So i killed him Im not sure about you guys but this is my first ever murder in DayZ and ive been playing almost right after release. But i feel changed. i feel dirty. i feel like i killed a man who was just trying to survive as much as i was.
  11. Survivor Tyler

    Banditry exploded

  12. Survivor Tyler

    How the player's health should be restored

    Great starting point. Its alpha stage that we need to throw some crazy shit into the game for tests. Because once this shit hits beta. We get fucked out of any intense changes.
  13. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    THANK YOU. Like seriously everyone knows about the issue. No one wants to watch your crap quality video..
  14. Survivor Tyler

    My server randomly not showing up in server list?

    Having this issue with Dallas 69. I feared it had gotten blacklisted. Guess im not the only one with an issue!
  15. Survivor Tyler

    Matches & knives are too rare.

    Where the hell are you looking? These are so common...
  16. Survivor Tyler

    So...I murdered someone for the first time

    Damn mate. We have all experienced this. Especially myself. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48387-i-killed-a-man/ But Its so hard to judge up north. Its a intense and gripping encounter. Best of luck next time mate! :D
  17. Survivor Tyler

    Looking for partner or team.

    Message me if your looking for a serious group.
  18. Survivor Tyler

    Mature player looking for serious team play

    We currently have a a group but some guy started recruiting from reddit so i've been looking to recruit non squeakers. If your interested message me on forums and ill send you my steam. We have a few guys based in UK. Aside from a few younger guys our average age is about 18-20
  19. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    With this new update i have noticed a lot of players are having very severe desync issues. Any hope to getting this fixed?
  20. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yes they are. i honestly don't know what he is talking about because all the guns have gotten nerfed and gameplay as been so great since. My m1911 isnt so op anymore and its makes killing zeds a bit more challenging
  21. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I have actually witness that m1911 is not 1 shot. To the head yes. But 2-3 shots to the body. ak yes is still 2 shots on zeds. and akm is 2 as well
  22. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yes i flipped a van. Did about 3 barrel rolls and landed on the side. Over a fence.. -_-
  23. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    OMG. GFX Issues. Fuck them just flipped the van..
  24. Survivor Tyler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    YES YES YES. My experience too. +1