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About andrius

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  1. andrius

    Under 100K active players

    I'm not sure how it all works, but i guess that the player counter on the front page is not counting Lingor island players. A LOT of players moved to Lingor island for a while. Me included. Because i got tired of dieing to bugs and having to start over almost every day, but in lingor island you can get top gear in a hour anyway so it's a little bit more fun.
  2. andrius

    Safe Zones

    NO NO NO! Thats why WarZ will suck balls, because it will have safe zones with NPC guards that instantly kill any pvp'ers. And it really breaks the immersion, like you can kill anyone but when you step through the gates to a safe camp and try to shoot someone you are instantly killed by super npc guards... Thats just the worst idea ever.
  3. andrius

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    I really love the M4A1 CCO SD, it's the best gun ever, at least till they fix other M4 series assault rifles (M4A3 CCO for example is also very cool, but with sd ammo it shoots higher and thats annoying).
  4. I don't think it's the CPU. I got an I7 2600 quad core at 3.4 ghz and i still get low framerates. I guess it's the graphics card because i have a good old gtx 460. My framerate is normally 50-60 on mid settings, and drop down to 20 in big towns.
  5. I stoped playing a few weeks ago. But a couple of days ago i heard about new lingor map so i'm playing that now.
  6. I think Lingor island is a good map. It's smaller, but there are more cover and hiding places, you can enter a town, go through buildings, and no one will find you. While in chernarus if you go to cherno or electro you will probably get sniped because there are only a few enterable buildings with loot and snipers just keep eyes on them. I just started playing lingor today, and i have never had soo much fun in DayZ before.
  7. andrius

    Joining servers by IP

    He was asking how to join server by typing in the ip, not how tyo find the server ip.
  8. andrius

    Tents bugged?

    Tents are messed up very bad. They sometimes eat items, sometimes they dupe items, sometimes they clone themselves or sometimes they just dissapear...
  9. Go to cherno, place a tent on a street, pick up a tent, place a tent, pick up a tent, place a tent, lets say, 20 times, after next server restart, that street will be a solid wall of tents... Nah it's ok lets add beartraps so we can dupe them and place them on every doorway... Ok seriously i'm not playing DayZ till they fix that. Tent bug is more important than broken zombies, game crashing, legs breaking in doorways or whatever other bugs there are.
  10. I got this problem too. I put a tent, put an item (morphine) to test if its saving, it was still there the other day, all good, then i put a couple more items (bandage and .45 acp ammo), hit "save", the next day they were gone, only the morphine remained... And i don't think anyone would steal that crap... Ahh well today i put 2 guns in it, will see if it saves them...
  11. I bought Arma 2 nearly a month ago, and never ever played singleplayer, only played DayZ. So yeah i paid for DayZ.
  12. andrius

    How "safe" do you play ?

    I play extremely carefully. I crawl most of the time, specially around/in towns, barns, deer stands and other places that spawns zombies. I have never been to Cherno or Electro, never been in a fire station or airfield. I live in a forest, travel from one deer stand to another, also loot all the barns on the way. I never kill players, unless i'm desperate for medical supplies (thats usually morphine). But i never hunt players, i try to avoid them, if i see one i just fall on the ground and wait for him to go away (that's ofc if he didn't see me). I killed a player once, for no reason, and i felt very bad about it, poor guy went up on a deer stand, started looting, i shot him...
  13. andrius


    I always find good stuff at deer stands. Today i found 2 weapons in a single deer stand, an ak74 and an m1014, too bad i could not take both of them... By the way, anyone know whats better Winchester 1866 or an m1014 ?
  14. I hate when they kick for clan... It happened to me before a few times, probably because my name starts with A and i'm usually first on the player list... They should just reserve like 2 slots so only allowed persons can join them, that would solve the kicking. Also hate when they just lock the servers, probably for the same reason, to get more room for clan members and i think servers that do that should be banned, or removed from the system so that ppl can't jump from such private servers to official dayz servers.
  15. andrius

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    It may be a fail, but its really a bug that they spawn items in impossible to reach places.