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About Nickisabear

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nickisabear

    Admin Abuse - LU131???

    No he can't do what he wants, The devs had set rules on what an admin can do with his server. He can't kick/ban anyone with out a legit reason for doing what he did.
  2. Nickisabear

    No one told me the dress code was formal...

    They had radios on them is radios in DayZ?
  3. Link to the reddit thread: http://tinyurl.com/8468gz2 Okay, so, two friends and myself were running towards the edge of the map to see if we could find some camps and possibly some vehicles. Anyway, one of my friends accidentally placed a marker on the map called 'lol'. We ran towards this marker and we were running up a large hill outside of the map. Over the edge of the hill, I could see what appeared to be 4 players. I warned my two friends. We cautiously approached these players, who, weirdly, seemed to be looking towards the 'lol' marker. Upon reaching these 'players', they turned out to be some weird NPCs dressed in tuxedos. They could move however and we killed all of them. There were about 8 of them and they all had guns and ammo. They also all had radios. Does anyone know what the fuck this is? [Also, at the time, my debug monitor was missing.] Picture 1: http://tinyurl.com/7z39oan Picture 2: http://tinyurl.com/89uynup
  4. Nickisabear


    What is the point of killing bandits, How do you know if they killed a person for shooting them first? Not every one is a bandit for the reason of being a bandit, I'm not going to fight with you over what you're doing but that's your way of enjoying the game go ahead with it!
  5. Nickisabear

    [Videos] A starting of a new series.

    Hey Guys a few more episodes came out, any feedback would be appreciated. I'd like to know what you all want to see and I want to know how to improve. Ep1 - Ep2 - Ep3 - Ep4 - Ep5 - http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/vt42a/dayz_series_ep5_from_a_group_of_friends_feedback/ If you could up vote it can be much appreciated.
  6. Nickisabear

    [Videos] A starting of a new series.

    Episode 3 is out guys :D Sorry for the double post.
  7. Nickisabear

    [Videos] A starting of a new series.

    Yeah I noticed that too watching it, That's why I was asking for suggestions on how you can get hooked to it.
  8. Nickisabear

    [Videos] A starting of a new series.

    Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not but thanks. Do you have any suggestions on what we can do to improve what we're doing?
  9. Hey guys, My self and 3 other friends started a series using the DayZ mod for Arma 2. We would like opinions and suggestions on what we can do to make the series more enjoyable to watch if it isn't already. We have two videos up already; We would appreciate it if you can tell us what you think about it. Episode 1 - Gobble Gobble: Episode 2 - I Hope You Die.: