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Posts posted by stingervr

  1. I was just on this server seattle 148 and my guy randomly gets the DC symbol and im bleeding. so im going wtf? I wasnt hit by anything. I just logged in.... and all of a sudden I just die. Just randomly die. and everyone on the server died too... 5 seconds later the server boots me.... i go back in.. booted again.... What the hell? then the server restarts.... I just got an FN fal and a AS50 ... and I lost that all... third time too stupid crap happening.. hours of looking around for gear just lost to some random bull shit server maintenance or server host being a douche? what the fck is this shitt?

    yeah im mad this is countless hours into trying to get gear just lost in an instant to not even a fire fight... nothing worth it at all.. cant even get my gear or body backk... so pathetic.

    no wonder people hack items in this game when you lose your gear to random stupid fcking bull shit like that.. wow.. no point in playing this game anymore..

    the server wont let me back on... it keeps kicking me.. I think the dev or server leader sabotaged me or did something to my character. Can someone in authority please do something about this.

    Admins name is Jeb.

    Servers with such irresponsible admins should not exist

  2. Okay so I have spent a whole day literally trying to follow guides trying to set up DayZ beta. I can not get it to work for the life of me. I really need some hands on help from some nice person that would like to help me please over skype. Thanks.
