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Posts posted by stingervr

  1. Yeah thats true. but you already start with like black or blue pants and similar vest. the hats can be changed. Something small can make a difference. Like a sideways hat. No hat at all. No vest. different type of vest. I don't know. Doesnt even have to be colors. Can be something customizable to distinguish someone from someone else.

  2. I think It would be a great idea to implement a dye system for uniqueness and teaming up with other people. It would make it easily recognizable who your team mates are. but nothing too obvious so there is still skill and communication involved with pvp. Something simple, like dying your clothes a specific color or shade, or your hat, or something a little more customization and recognizable. I think a lot of people would agree with this idea to an extent too. Don't dumb it down. But make it simple enough to use. Nothing off the chart though so there's still skill involved. Im not talking colors like Halo .. lol.

    Vote this thread up and petition my idea please with a " +1 " if you agree or comment if you don't. Thanks.

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  3. hahaha nice little story thanks for sharing. Dont quite know how much of that is actually relevant to our thread though. The things that happened to us were obvious character sabotage. Like I started bleeding randomly without getting shot or hit. Instantly went down to 5k blood. Instantly got a DC symbol for no reason. Instantly died from nothing after bandaging. Pitch black server. No gun shots. Nothing. Then I was banned.. a lot more of an obvious sabotage..

  4. Since I already wrote a thread in general about my situation ill link it here.


    to sum it up. I logged into seattle 148. randomly started bleeding and got the DC symbol. so I tried to wait it out. bandaged myself. I wasnt even NEAR ANYTHING . I never even got hit!! its like someone hacked me and made my bleed or get the DC symbol. legit. it was dark. I was laying down in bushes. barely anyone was on the server. I never heard anything that could of been dangerous. just randomly started bleeding. went down to 5000 hp and got the DC symbol. so I tried waiting it out. and boom... I died randomly ... wtf? ... like someone just killed me.. didnt even get shot. its like someone typed a hack to kill me. legit not even kidding. 5 seconds later I got booted from the server.. logged back in.. booted.. logged back in.. booted.. server restarted. logged back in. booted again... what the !@#$? I cant even run to my body to get all my gear back.. I had an FN fal.. an AS50... alice pack. and all my miscellaneous gear.. all lost to some stupid BS that I couldn't of even controlled.. the server admin on seattle 148 needs to be confronted by someone in charge. this is totally irresponsible. Admin name is Jeb. Warning to not go on this server if you dont wanna lose your stuff.. countless hours of trying to get gear.. all lost.. I have zero incentive to play now.. thanks.
