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Everything posted by stingervr

  1. Everytime I log into this server I pass out. i logged out without realizing I had the DC connect symbol after messing around with my friends. Now everytime I log in I pass out. I wait it out for 5 mins or my friend will give me an epi and ill get up. Everythings fine. But nope... when i log out and back in I pass out again? uhhh ? what do i do to fix this? Thanks...
  2. HACKER name " K " is following my squad on every server. Hes teleporting to us with guns playing this creepy music and trying to kill us. He has invincible hack and hes greying out the abort button so we cant leave. Please look into this right away. His name Is " K "
  3. stingervr

    US 722

    Hackers on US 722 teleport hacking to people instant blowing them up and breaking their legs with script commands. my group was fully geared and half the group was hiding in the bushes. The other was in town in berizino. My friend noticed this guy teleport right in front of him and started putting down satchel charges. we instantly blew up and died. minute later my friends hear a helicopter.. and right away it crashes into the town around where our friends were. But they didnt die. next second my friends instantly see people teleport right to them and blow the UAZ we had up. I respawned and started running back to my body. all of a sudden my legs instantly break on script command and I fall prone. A guy appears right in front of me. wearing a pilote army skin with a bunch of good gear. He walks up to me. Places a satchel charge. walks away. looks at me. and blows me up.. definite hackers on here. seems to be more than one also. heres a screen shot of a list of players on the server right after I logged out. If any of these names match your data base for other reports. please take action. my squads names are. me- Roman deadman conman timmahh jeff
  4. What a dumb mechanic omg. I cant even play
  5. BTW . This is a very stupid mechanic to prevent server hoppers.. the people it mainly effects is legit players. Legit players stay on their home server. When ever you log into that one server you pass out. For server hoppers its like meh. I dont have to go back to that server. I find another server. Because ... well... they're server hoppers.. lol. stupid mechanic. think of something better imo
  6. Everytime I log into my home server I pass out too. My friends and I were messing around with each other. My friend shot me to see how much damage his silenced M9 would do. He shot me once. It did 0 damage. So im like I think you missed. So He shot me again. 0 damage. shot me again. 0 damage taken. But I had the DC symbol? so I was like I think my health is bugged and without realizing how retarded I was I DC'd... So w/e I log back in. he gives me an epi. I think im good to go.nope... everytime I log in I take a damn nap for some reason. It wont go away and Its been a day. and I have lots of gear I wanna keep. How do I fix this? This is such a stupid mechanic... Like why cant it go away after like 5 hours or something. This is bull. A whole day :( Please I would like a solution to my issue without getting rid of my gear.
  7. stingervr

    passing out everytime i log in

    anyone know of any other ways to fix this please?
  8. stingervr

    passing out everytime i log in

    Okay thanks guys for the legit responses. Respawning seems to be the fix. Ill store my gear and try this out thanks. to unholy. Your a loser straight up. Go find something better to do than troll forums. Idiot. LOL. prob sux at the game
  9. stingervr

    passing out everytime i log in

    how about you F off troll thanks noob
  10. stingervr

    passing out everytime i log in

    Yeah I know right. I DC legitly. like I didnt do anything wrong? was messing with my friends testing out a gun. he shot me to see my blood. took no dmg. after 3 bullets. so something was up? so I DCd because I thought my health was bugged.. sure enough I had a DC bug too or something. Everytime I log in. BAM i pass out. and I cant get rid of it with epi or waiting it out. After I cure it it comes back once I log back in... so im quite confused and annoyed.This has to be a bug. Complete shit if its not. any solution?
  11. stingervr

    passing out everytime i log in

    Would like some legit information please. no trolls . thanks
  12. stingervr

    passing out everytime i log in

    your an idiot troll stfu. I explained what happened.
  13. Hacker on US 673 instantly killing people in cherno with instant death commands. My friends just falling down dead. suspects are. hekhehhhehek we killed him a couple times and we stayed around where we killed him so it seems as though he got angry or something. people were dying around where we killed him. Lee - we killed this guy also around whee we kept getting instantly killed. those are my best guesses. screen shot taken around 1: 20 AM pacific. If you can line this screen shot up with a later time on and see any names in common you can probably figure out who it is. Thanks
  14. stingervr

    US 673 Instant death hacker

    Edit- My name Is Roman friends names in server screenshot - Ponystep
  15. Can someone help me out here please. I have lots of good gear and I spawned in the wilderness debug. I cant afford to run 2 hours because I dont have enough food and water. I used to just log into Canada 2 when I spawned in wilderness because it would put me in debug forest instead. Now canada 2 doesnt exist? and the other canada servers dont put me there anymore. Does anyone know the new solution to getting out of the wilderness and getting into the forest so its a 5 min walk? Thanks. PS dont Say HIT RESPAWN. your wasting your time being an annoying troll.
  16. stingervr

    Wilderness plains to debug forest?

    Yeah I know thats a solution. Thanks. But I didnt have enough food and water. Respawning is not an option when I have NVGs a Bizon and an FN fall... not happening.
  17. stingervr

    Wilderness plains to debug forest?

    alright, howd you get out? Was your gear good? Because mines really good so the Respawn solution is pointless for me.
  18. stingervr

    Wilderness plains to debug forest?

    so no one ever gets stuck in debug anymore? just me? lol no solutions at all?
  19. stingervr

    Wilderness plains to debug forest?

    no one has a solution?
  20. nicee thats awesome. Never been stuck in debug?
  21. hey vipeax. I sent you a PM about my situation but you might be busy. Im stuck in wilderness and dont know how to get out. I really dont wanna lose my gear. I dont have enough food or water to make it back onto the map. I would like some help please. Im not sure how to give player ID though. can anyone help me figure that out? I was just south of stary sobar before I spawned in wilderness. Would like a solution to this please. Something I can help figure out and solve myself too. Thanks :)
  22. stingervr

    Wilderness plains to debug forest?

    still looking for a constructive response. someone must know a solution..
  23. stingervr

    Wilderness plains to debug forest?

    Really need a solid solution to this. I know other people do too. Please. There must be a better solution than respawning when you spawn in debug wilderness.