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Everything posted by acid_blotter

  1. acid_blotter

    Second Ambush

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkh9rHu7j88&feature=plcp no excessive yelling or screaming in this video sorry =P Re uploaded, some reason video went buggy as shit enjoy with some haterade =) and some french cries
  2. acid_blotter

    Second Ambush

    Self Bump for justice
  3. acid_blotter

    Most intense firefight of my life

  4. acid_blotter

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*

    I used to think the same way but it don't matter. any low pop server or anyserver for the matter you are a victim. There are MANY HACKERS only way to be safe is non hive and ban them, save server often and report their GUID and IP to battleye from BERCON Log
  5. acid_blotter

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*

    Yep same, not playing DayZ til standalone, Half the fun is looting getting the gear making tents and hideouts but its no fun to be killed by a hacker EVERYTIME you wanna play they suck assholes for a living and always getting molested by their uncles so until standalone let the hackers AKA SCRIPT FAGGOTS have their fun and hopefully when its a standalone they HARDWARE BAN them fuckers
  6. acid_blotter

    Shit DayZ Players Say

    haha awesome video mate!
  7. And other high grade military equipment. Basically only sniper would be cz550 and all other guns be russian not american, basically all akms and aks and other lower tier guns. idk just a suggestion people dont need a as50 for zombies xD but idk Thought it would be a good idea make firefights longer more intense and not knowing if it was a hacker or a noob who logs in elecktro/cherno shoots and logs out.
  8. acid_blotter

    Removal of high powered rifles

    Care to elaborate? I have used as50/M107/L85aws and i think they dont belong in this MOD personally but thats my opinion and you are free to believe what you believe just want to know why exactly
  9. acid_blotter

    has the as50 tws been added back in?

    when over 40% of community are hackers you will see alot of hacked in shit, im done with DayZ til standalone hackers are cunts, teleporting dropping people, thunder dome the list goes on and on such a AWESOME game with such a SHIT community. FUCK these hackers they ruin the only good game in existence.
  10. uk 237 us 1431 us 137 us 1234 us 2104 us 1230 us 2099 us 941 de #111 us 91 se 3 us 2126 se 47 Every server i play on (i have changed my name in game many of times) doesn't matter because they are 12 year old script kiddies who buy their hacks and BattleEye cannot keep up and this is just no fun any more. Any progress I make is lost due to a hacker teleporting behind me or me to a thunderdome, fall from the sky,ocean,debug, or just killed. This game is a AWESOME mod but know unplayable due to these fucking cunts. Hackers should be HARDWARE banned and sent to every game company so these lousy fuckers will need a whole new pc not a $30 game to just rinse and repeat I have even joined low pop servers with 5-15 people and it still happens /rant
  11. acid_blotter

    A Hacker has ruined my DayZ Experience...

    STFU hackers have RUINED this game i was playing a few hrs before work collecting gear on a server with 5 people and was teleported and killed FUCK THIS SHIT until something is done about these hackers i also quit.
  12. acid_blotter

    Hacker in Cherno.. Raining buses and cows

    reminds me of bf2 hack >,<
  13. acid_blotter

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    douche admins awesome video =)
  14. acid_blotter

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    would've liked it, but your in a recruit server with name tags stopped watching at :14
  15. acid_blotter

    [VIDEO] Time to scare the boys !

    haha funny video mate parachutes work, but you die either when you jump out fast or right when you hit grounds you die either way its glitched so becareful xD
  16. acid_blotter

    DayZ - Laughs and Giggles Ep.1 **Watch**

    haters gon hate, remember these forums are like 4chan/reddit assholes and troll everything inb4 shitstorm
  17. acid_blotter

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    hoarding like a boss found chopper and raided over 10 separate camps along with every vehicle stolen haha video coming soon before http://img163.images...80112262452.png after http://img819.images...80118384800.png saluting for respect i flew over 12 hours not 1 crash and helped over 13 clanmates with the help of 2-4 good mates.
  18. acid_blotter

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    My admin?? I dont no him 1, 2 first time EVER playing that server, 3 he rolled back because YOU hacked in shit, 4 WTF is a maphack??
  19. acid_blotter

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    but i aint even mad xD I LOVE HARDCORE GAMES DEAL WITH IT. rule numero uno DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR OR LOOT! or your gunna have a bad time. i dont get mad anymore in dayz lol kill me take my shit grats! lol why get mad? you can always get everything back!
  20. very true when we found the hackers they were dead with 5 of their bodies laying on ground with 5 helis crashed xD straight baddies with good loot its pathetic xD
  21. acid_blotter

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    mm hmm thats why right before you post this and after there is bombs falling over camp your just tryna cover yourself up loser
  22. acid_blotter


    right, and he trolled me on my thread and i was doing same thing hes just a hypocrite because i stole more vehicles
  23. acid_blotter

    Battle on Sniper Hill - Video

    Awesome video bro fuck that alt+f4 hero
  24. acid_blotter

    Dirt bike riding NW Airfield! (Includes funny glitch!!!)

    well i noticed my whole time playing is when you repair a vehicle COMPLETLEY if you get out and back in its auto fixed or if you get out and save it same thing its in ALPHA not hacking...
  25. acid_blotter

    Dirt bike riding NW Airfield! (Includes funny glitch!!!)

    MGK Respect. nice DayZ stuntin :thumbsup: