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Everything posted by hawkygaming

  1. hawkygaming

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    I say throw your wallet at Bohemia. The Arma Series is quite enjoyable without DayZ. DayZ is basically the Icing on a cake. Good with or without.
  2. hawkygaming

    Experince with a hacker.

    Screenies or It didn't happen. Custom Animations cannot happen if you don't have them on your System.
  3. Hehe. Change it from Exploits. I think some Forum Mods have been Jumping on thinking "HMMM EXPLOITS YOU SAY?" :)
  4. 1. Literally, 2 mins ago. Was in Elektro Market. I knew a guy was around the building. I yell in chat saying FRIENDLY over and over again (must be a bug, I don't know) So I approach him slowly. I salute him. He shoots me blank in the face. -_-. Paranoia.. My ass.
  5. hawkygaming

    Looting Toilets ...

    Umm... What?
  6. hawkygaming

    recording software

    BUY Fraps. Don't Pirate. It's a great piece of software which most of the popular YouTube Stars such as, TotalBiscuit, Bashur, SoTotallyToby, IntheLittlewood and BebopVox use. It's great!
  7. Thanks for Shooting me and killing me, Twice. On the third time you wasn't so lucky. Were you? Have fun with my Axe in your back and thanks for your gear. - Hawky
  8. Some people are hard asses. Yeah. This Post is Worthless, so what? Why did you read it? Can't people just have a laugh? It's the Internet.
  9. "These People". Who's "These People"?
  10. hawkygaming

    Too much lag

    Buy a new computer. You can't go blaming the game or mod because of lag. Yes, Arma has weird Graphical... things. Specs?
  11. I only complain when I say "Un-Armed" and they look right at me, clearly seeing that I am and then boom. -_-. Other than that, I'm not fussed.
  12. 0_o Keep in mind it's a zombie outbreak.
  13. hawkygaming

    Tree of death

    Tree's eat you. Don't trust them. No aha but seriously, It's just a bug that will definetly be ironed out.
  14. hawkygaming


    (Removed Post by Hawky, Mod got their first :) )
  15. I guess a kiddie is having fun.
  16. I personally think the admin and a few other of his peeps are farming and don't want anyone else to get in their way. Someone in the DayZ Staff, Please do something. -_-
  17. hawkygaming

    Why is it so laggy?!

    Launch the Game through the Six Updater :) Keeps everything in par and if you click the Mods section it will track to see if there is a Update with the DayZ files or such.
  18. hawkygaming


    What... The..
  19. Imagine your Town/City you live in with no Lights. Bam. Exactly like this.
  20. I mean come on now. Yeah they can break legs but they will more than likely bruise your leg making you Not Permanetly Helpless without Morphine. However, You could get to your Feet quicker with Painkillers... Just a thought. Many people get broken legs from Zombies and are left with no morphine. It's Damn annoying. So I think, This is a Great idea. post your feedback about this idea anyone? :) Edit: Being Shot in the leg will result in needing Morphine Edit 2: Zombies can STILL break your legs, Of course they can. Can you see anywhere where I actually said they can't? No. Don't rush to comment because you dislike something. It is not Easy Mode. Reason, They can still break your legs. Just a Reduced Chance. Bruising, In my opinion is a great idea. You're temporarily on the ground for an amount of time. Unless they're still beating on you that's when they might break your legs. It gives you a chance to actually get away other than being dead and hopeless without Morphine. Think before you post. Seriously.
  21. Idea: Zombies Don't Break legs. They Bruise. Bruises go away :) Being Shot in the leg however... Morphine please. Having a Bruise could also be "Healed" (<-- Note the Air Quotes) With Painkillers.