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Everything posted by hawkygaming

  1. You're complaning about 40 Frames a Second? You know.. Some people would kill just to have 30-35. Stable or not.
  2. Nameplates? That removes the realism from DayZ and it's basically what makes DayZ so great.
  3. SCREAM DOWN YOUR MIC WHEN YOU'RE NEAR THEM OR SPAM THE CHAT IN CAPS LIKE THIS. Just try and scare them lol. Never usually works with me.. But it's fun... and DayZ is supposed to be fun. As all gaming is supposed to be fun.
  4. hawkygaming

    Global Ban after Repurchasing Arma2 CO

    Mod, move this to the Graveyard?
  5. hawkygaming

    Global Ban after Repurchasing Arma2 CO

    You cheated. Case Closed. Deal with it kid.
  6. hawkygaming

    Best DayZ Youtube Video!

    I really like how Youtube have accepted that Thumbnail even though it has clearly a topless woman on the right of it -_- Other than that. LOL.
  7. hawkygaming

    GB #500. SUKA Server Hackers.

    Yeah let me just ban them right now without evidence or proof to back up this... THINK DAMMIT!
  8. hawkygaming


    That is awesome... Bikes for everyone!
  9. Advanced? Define that? I guess it's just pointing a metal object we call "Guns" and pulling the hair trigger. Congrats.
  10. hawkygaming

    [Forum] IMG Tags - How To.

    Why thank you. Been trying to get my sig up for ages.
  11. hawkygaming

    Cheater called Applejack on LU 424

    That's because you stole the Apple Cider... you two buck varmit'!
  12. hawkygaming

    Tree Stashes

    Find them in Military bases ect in lockers... or.. something more realistic.
  13. hawkygaming

    Tree Stashes

    Ehh nice idea. I suppose Metal Detectors are needed to search for loot piles too?
  14. Rage... Rage... More Rage... Thanks for the Heli. Hawky was killed.
  15. hawkygaming

    lf gangsters to play with

    Gangsters? I think you stepped on the wrong "Turf" my friend.
  16. hawkygaming

    Counter sniping in elektro...anyone wanna join?

    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd you're dead.
  17. hawkygaming

    pooing weeing wiping fleeing

    The AMOUNT OF DAMN TIMES. I've seen this suggestion... Sheesh. It will HOPEFULLY never be Implemented.
  18. hawkygaming

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    It's a Real world item which is used to keep intruders out. Keep in mind DayZ is a Open Real Zombie infested world so keeping a nice tight lockdown on gear, vehicles or anything else is a key value for Survival.
  19. Eh it happens. Just a little data bug. It reset you. You might still have your gear but there's a chance of you not having it. Alpha is Alpha.
  20. hawkygaming

    When you hear the helicopter you:

    Shoot it. Shoot it somemore and Shoot it again.
  21. hawkygaming

    Weird lag issues on iMac Bootcamp

    Mac's are... weird. By a Desktop PC. And that said, Arma II is EXTREMELY un-optimised. Running through Bootcamp too and on a Mac... Big Problems.
  22. hawkygaming

    Sonic Boom & Dancing (Video / Hacks)

    And what would you know... a DAMN KID... SUPRISE FUCKING SUPRISE!
  23. It's a fucking gun. Deal with it. Christ sake. If they're being duped (which they damn are) I kind of agree at removal.