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About hawkygaming

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  1. hawkygaming

    NZ|Snap!| Banned BEC: GameHack: #26

    Well I can see where this is going. I'll get the shovel. Fraggle or any other moderator, There's another hole dug in the graveyard for you.
  2. hawkygaming

    DAYZ Banner, The man in the "A"

    I agree with Fraggle. It's a nice art touch. I used the idea too, look at my sig :3
  3. hawkygaming

    Admin kicking from the server, the reason: Problem fixed!!!

  4. hawkygaming

    Group Recruitment, Ages 13-15, Skype

    Pretty sure Arma II is 18 but... What ever floats your boat. I swear DayZ players are getting WAY younger now.
  5. hawkygaming

    BattleEye have just ignored me...

    Never thought it worked that way. But hey, I've not hacked so I wouldn't know. :P
  6. hawkygaming

    BattleEye have just ignored me...

    You've been banned for hacking. They, of course have found out that you HAVE been hacking legitimately Therefor, may of ignored you. next time. Don't hack.
  7. hawkygaming

    How long have you been alive?

    The only time I die is from hackers. I don't go into high risk zones. I sit around at my camp hunting and refilling my Water bottle.
  8. hawkygaming

    Far Cry 3 Map

    Yeah. We understood. Still /Facepalm It won't happen. We weren't laughing at your Language. We were laughing at your idea.
  9. INb4 Battlenet ban then Q_Q on forums.
  10. Oh.. That explains the Script Kiddie increase lately. xXMLGQUIKSCOPESTOHAX4UXx
  11. MLG? What... I swear DayZ gamers are getting younger and younger.
  12. I have seen so many forum posts with the same content. We get it. Ramdisk.
  13. A Machinima Partnered YouTuber who kills hero's and stuff for the Giggles. I hate machinima... imo.
  14. hawkygaming

    What do you feel like when you kill someone?

    I feel nothing as it's just a game. Gaming is not real life and shouldn't be linked with that certain emotions but still, everybody is different.
  15. "Some kid". Maybe you were being hacked in the face by broadcasting into Side Channel. Don't be annoying or anything as you're tempting them. You cannot do anything about it unless you have their GUID.