Situation: Me and my room mate love Co-op. We also love hardcore survival games. This morning, he bought ARMA II for DayZ. As usual, we couldn't connect to the same server (or possibly different servers) at the same time. Things we tried that DID NOT work: - Using STEAM's launch option "+clientport" which is usually how we fixed this issue with STEAM games. Ultimately, we weren't even able to boot the game because of another issue. I was looking for a simple fix, not a fix of a fix of a fix. - Changing router settings. I read it worked for some other people. But it didn't do a thing for us. I then realized launching through steam would just be a huge headache and looked at getting Six Launcher / Updater to run my game using different ports (kinda like steam's +clientport but for Six Launcher/Updater) PLEASE NOTE THAT: I don't know exactly which of the 2 fixes makes it work, but that's what I did and it works. This is merely all the steps I took before it started working. The Six Updater configuration may do absolutely nothing. Step by step guide to SIX UPDATER proper configuration: 1. Boot Six Updater. 2. Skip the speedtest. 3. Select "Game Profile" from the top toolbar. 4. At Player Profile, select your profile. 5. On the top right side, enter 2310 in the "port" section. 6. Select "Home" from the top toolbar. 7. Select "Save". 8. Close the application. Step by step guide to SIX LAUNCHER proper configuration: 1. Boot Six Launcher. 2. On the main window, look below the social networking icons. 3. Select "Options". 4. In the OptionsWindow, enter "port=2310" in additional startup parameters. (WITHOUT QUOTES) 5. Select OK. 6. Please note that you only need to do this on ONE of the TWO computers. The game apparently uses ports 2303-2307(?) by default which the other computer can use. Forcing one computer to use 2310 will make sure only ports 2310-2315(?) are used on that computer. I assume that if you need to configure more computers per household, to be sure, always skip 5 ports per PC. I really hope this helps anyone with this issue. tags to help people find this: dayz day z 2 computers 1 router 2 pcs 1 router 2 users 1 connection