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Everything posted by Übermensch

  1. DayZ is amazing! Great interview btw :)
  2. Übermensch

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Great job guys, thanks for this update Rocket and devs. Keep up the good work, there´s already lot of useful feedback on this thread..
  3. Übermensch


    Dayz is like Eve Online.. there is no "end", the players decide their own paths and make their own decitions (sandbox).. of course there could be "events" made by the Dayz Dev in special dates or something like that, that will be great really.. but we need wait to have the final release first.
  4. Great news & story guys! And this is why this game is great and could be more greater even! Thanks to the community, I hope a lot of people will take a note on this kind of stuff..
  5. I find funny the word "veterans" when the mod just have around of 3 months of life.....
  6. The infected still climb ladders? That is the most stupid thing I ever see.. Also the X-Ray vision they have.. well I hope the devs are going to fix those unbalanced stuff soon.. oh, and one more thing, there should be an option to add servers to a favourite list.
  7. Übermensch

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    I agree with you man, and the only solution I can see for now about this is to play the game with a RL friend, at least a pair, then well...... f*ck the others...... I play Eve Online for a lot of years right now, I already see A LOT, I know what I�m talking about (Eve has a reputation that everyone knows).. Being a lone wolf or play with friends, sadly u cant trust anyone else
  8. This is the best of the thread..
  9. Übermensch

    Day Z - Pros and Cons

    Pros: -VERY good open world zombie survival game. Cons: -People shooting other "newbie" players who just respawned without any weapons at the "safe area" -Infected AI -Infected climbing ladders -Infected running like hell -No stealth mode while zombies -infected- can find you anywhere and they also have x-ray vision -Tons of Bugs (I know is a fucking alpha but Devs need to know our feedbacks) -It needs to have "safe areas" where the people can "live" without dealing pvp like High Sec Systems in Eve Online, and Null Sec or Low sec for PVP (maybe created by the community itself) -Needs more balancing. -More infected variety. -Zombie Animation -Campers Things I like to see someday: -It will be good to have some faction wars -Merc Bounty Office with items rewards or something like that -Market? -Bandits should be punished -Bandits shooting should have a stasis period time for the aggression (like 1 min) if they disconnect, period where other players involded in the shooting can kill the bandit. (Eve Online uses this aggro sys) -Bandits should be marked by the sistems as bandits making them a target for those who aren't and letting those who are not being bandits an oportunity to kill him -"Favourite" option for server listing. -Friend Listing. -Squad option when u want to play with friends.
  10. Übermensch

    Patch 1.7.2 waiting for Character to....

    Up this thread
  11. Wow can't believe they did that how the game is now...the shit they pull i mean if they are going to affect zombies for god sake fix the physics of them first and also their detection capability cause like you said it is not a valid option at all since you cant crawl into buildings you HAVE to get up...and then bam your fucked if you have no weapon I fully support you. Devs must Fix Zombies AI as soon as possible, this is getting so stupid and boring really..
  12. Übermensch

    Patch 1.7.2 waiting for Character to....

    Same problem over here....