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Everything posted by daveman@telenet.be

  1. daveman@telenet.be

    Battleye initialization failed

    As the topic title describes I'm having issues joining any server at all; I've upgraded to the latest version with six updater / and tried manually and still getting the same error. Does anyone know how I might be able to fix this? Thanks - Xaros
  2. daveman@telenet.be

    Battleye initialization failed

    edit: nope didn't work after all :< anyone else got another solution?
  3. daveman@telenet.be

    So tried using the toolbox on this...

    You're doing it wrong mate, aim for the metal poles that are in the ground - usually while aiming at those you'll get an option to remove the wire :) took a while before I found that out but there you go hopefully it'll work for you next time.
  4. daveman@telenet.be


    Hi there, I've tried searching on the forums for "chopper" and "heli" but I've had no results that actually had anything to do with what I'm wondering. I just got back to playing Dayz for a few days now after having not played it for about a month and I can't see any choppers anywhere anymore apart from hacked in ones, why we're choppers taken out and when will they be put back in? :/ Thanks - Xaros
  5. daveman@telenet.be

    US4 Nuke

    I died as well to the nuke on US 4, lost my DMR, GPS and NVGS :< oh well