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Everything posted by Maverick1701

  1. Maverick1701

    Reloading the Guns on the Heli

    Have you tried putting them in the helicopter inventory?
  2. Maverick1701

    DayZPvP.com Livestream Page

    Also Fhrope and Axemanandy from Oshi and Sacriel's crew And DeltaP42 and MaeunGochu who play with Puddn Two totally different "squads" who are entertaining in their own way.
  3. Maverick1701

    Tent and Vehicle Storage - How not to glitch?

    It seems to be that the first time you place them, they will not save your items; they need to be respawned by a server restart and then their inventories will persist. If you had cloned a tent by placing it a few times, only the last position seems to "work" after the restart, the previous tents will still drop items. I don't store critical items in them still, but you can at least store some supplies. No idea how it applies to vehicles, though.
  4. Maverick1701

    Am I missing something?

    It can be a little rough to get started, especially if you do not know how to tell which buildings will have loot; Once you find a building that has loot, any building in any town will also be open and have loot. Also look for buildings with transparent windows; if you can see inside you can enter. There are also doghouses, outhouses and various sheds that surround "closed" buildings and can spawn loot (and zombies) If you have reached the limit of looking on your own, you can start using a spawn map to learn where the individual points are; even just using it for a town or two can teach you what to look for on the rest of the map. Try this one: http://dayzdb.com/map As for finding players; that is probably the most "broken" thing in the game currently. There is nothing to make murdering "difficult" or be less desirable, and no 'game mechanic' to make teaming up or communicating really desirable. Obviously, having someone to watch your backs is a good incentive, but the anti-social murderers don't care, and just shoot first always, mostly for the "lulz" Sadly, that makes everyone else have to do the same, so virtually every meeting with a stranger is ending in a death. Its silly and detracts from the game quite a bit in my opinion (it actually takes any mystery out of meeting others, you pretty much know whats going to happen) and I hope it gets addressed sometimes, but I sort of doubt it will Edit: James also has a point, some servers seem to have broken or slow loot spawning; Also if you're playing on a server with 50+ people its likely someone might have been just in front of you looting, even if you didn't see them. I tend to stick to lower-pop servers simply because the moron-ratio is so high right now.
  5. Its actually pretty surprising how many loot spawns are out there, even around those closed buildings. You just need to know what to look for. When I first saw a spawn map like this: http://dayzdb.com/map I was shocked at how many little loot spawns are scattered, even in those empty villages that might only have one building with an open door. Little doghouses, chicken-sheds, outhouses, etc all have chances to spawn loot. If you are tired of searching manually that map is a good trainer tool, if you click on the colored dots it loads a screenshot of what the building looks like, so you can learn what to look for. As the map shows, leaving the coast is not only not pointless, its a pretty good idea. All of those red deer stands are gonna be your primary source of weapons, and you can find all of the other loot as you travel. Its slower going, but you're less likely to get shot in the back my some shoot-first mouthbreather than skulking around Cherno.
  6. Maverick1701

    i need an online map

    I like this one too, google-maps style: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/Gmap/beta/gmap.html