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Everything posted by iNSANE'

  1. iNSANE'

    The Sociopathy problem

    Reasons I kill people: - Not being killed by the other guy - Fun/Challenge :D - Vehicles - His weapon or maybe Mags for it - NVG / GPS / Rangefinder - Backpack (If better) Other than that I don't give a fuck about his stuff and what I am looking for is most likely what he is carrying even if tents were way more common. Anything else can easily be found so why would I kill for that ?
  2. iNSANE'

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    So I shoot the generator with my AS50 and get the loot for free ? Or is your idea to make it Sniperproof so that you can only raid this base with a rocketlauncher ?
  3. Hi guys, first off I'm sorry if my idea was already posted, searched through a couple of threads and couldn't find anything like it. So we all know Temperature is not a big thing right now and rocket is trying to implement it with a mechanic that makes sense so I have tried to mix that mechanic with my ideas on clothing and I think it would be pretty cool. 1. Clothing So my idea is that your clothing can get destroyed to a certain degree depending on some things: - You got hit by Zombies a lot (-> adds scratches and maybe a bit of blood to your clothing) - You got shot (-> add holes in your clothing + blood around it) - You are wearing it for a lot of days and you are traveling through forrests a lot (-> little scratches) - You broke your leg (-> blood/scratches or hole dependent on how you broke it) 2. Temperature There are different levels of destruction depending on how often you got shot or hit by zombies. Dependent on those levels your temperature should be affected, especially at night when it's raining it would not be a good idea to run around with an almost destroyed suit. You could use a heatpack or find new clothing. Maybe you can fix the holes in your clothing with bandages to some degree (would only be a temporary fix) 3.Adaptation How would this affect the gameplay ? There would have to be a higher drop rate for civilian clothing and maybe an option to take clothing from dead survivors. The Ghillie Suit and Camo Clothing should be able to take more damage before it has negative affects. Maybe also add a slot in the inventory (if possible) where you can only put clothing. Hope you like the idea and maybe you can add something to it :)
  4. iNSANE'

    Body Armor

    +1 I especially like the idea of different levels of armor :)
  5. iNSANE'

    1Murder = best items

    I am a bandit but I have principles and honor, there isn't that much joy left in a zombie apocalypse but you can atleast keep your honor. I would never shoot someone who just saved my ass, I wonder how your char can sleep at night
  6. iNSANE'

    Stary Sobor : Sniper Haven

    We usually loot the tents with 2-4 players usally 1 or 2 snipers covering and 1 or 2 people going in for the loot, never died this way. But as a lone wolf it can be pretty hard, but you have to take your time and spot for players, check the bushes around the tents and sit there a while just to watch if there is anybody near the tents. Once you have watched a couple of minutes you can decide if you really want to go in there. Once you've got your stuff just run into the forest as fast as you can don't care about the zombies chasing you.
  7. iNSANE'

    This game is too easy

    I think it's just to easy to get there or do you disagree on that ? Why the hell should it *not* be easy to walk north? This isn't an MMO' date=' there is no progression. Going north is a decision not a level up, most choose to stay in the south which makes the south more dangerous than the north. [/quote'] I think there is progression, maybe you just don't want to see it. The people staying near to the coast are most likely noobs, people who just got killed and PKer (which only kill noobs for the killcount). Almost every advanced player will head north so why do the noobs down south need an Alice Pack and a M4 ? I play with a couple of people, when they die they just hit respawn a couple of times till they are near cherno or elektro (maybe also balota) and most of the time it takes them just a couple of minutes to find an Alice Pack, a pistol and a primary (sometimes even AK or M4) so where is the hardcore aspect of DayZ ? They don't care about getting killed as it is no punishment, there are only a couple of things like Ghillie Suit, NVG or GPS that you don't wanna lose other than that I can get everything without much effort. Well I don't think that is what DayZ should be about, it's just my opinion on it. I love the game and will continue to play and support it but this is just the direction I wish DayZ would go. If you have another opinion about it it's ok and I will accept it. If you are one of the guys staying south all the time please don't feel offended by my thoughts.
  8. iNSANE'

    This game is too easy

    I think it's just to easy to get there or do you disagree on that ?
  9. iNSANE'

    This game is too easy

    I have to agree, died yesterday and took me almost no time to get enough equipment to savely head to the north. There should really be less equipment in the south. I think it is pretty easy especially when it's night you can very savely loot Cherno. Once you have Medical Supplies, a gun, sth to drink and hunting equipment you can savely go north and loot Stary Sobor or deer stands and you have pretty much everything you want to have without even going to the NW Airfield or beeing lucky and finding a Helicopter Crash Site. So my idea is to remove some stuff from the South such as: - Alice Packs don't spawn in Cherno and Elektro - Make Hunting Equipment rare in Cherno and Elektro - lower spawn rate for food/drinks a bit - No AK or M4 in the Firestations only Shotguns or Lee Enfield (Cherno and Elektro) I also feel there should be a bit less loot spawns in the military camp in Stary Sobor and a bit more in the NE Airfield. And make Deer Stands in the North more profitable than ones in the South. The idea behind all this is to make it hard to travel the north as you may not find enough food/drinks to travel that far and you may not find hunting equipment that easy. But you will only get the good stuff in the north so you will be rewarded for the time you spent traveling. Maybe up the food/water consumption a bit to make it really difficult to travel long distances without hunting equipment.
  10. iNSANE'

    Loot Tents

    Today I found some tents with pretty good weapons in it but I couldn't take them. There were a lot of server problems today so I'm not sure if it was supposed to be that way. So is there an option on tents that only the owner can take stuff out of it ? Or a serverside setting ? Or was it just due to the massive lag ?
  11. iNSANE'

    Rare Weapons

    Hey guys, so i found a M24 today and I'm reall wondering if it's really worth carrying it. I love the gun but I have very limited Ammo right now and can't really find any. So should I just swap it with the next weapon I find ? :-/ Or will I have to travel North in order to find more Ammo for it ?
  12. iNSANE'

    Rare Weapons

    Oh ok I found some DMR Mags, didn't know they were usefull ^^
  13. iNSANE'

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    Or people just run into Cherno on another server and change server, how would you try to deal with that ? They could even spawn right next to your tents...
  14. Hey guys, I currently have a Hunting Rifle (2 Mags), a M1911 (12Mags), Alice Pack, enough food an bandages, and several other stuff like a hunting knife, map and so on. I really like the point I'm at right now tbh. The thing is I need Morphine and could also need a bloodbag or two, but where can I find those without getting killed ? I don't like the idea of going into Electro or Cherno with my Sniperrifle, plus the fact that I was killed several times in Cherno near the "medical tents". So do you guys know an alternative to those places ?
  15. Hello guys, first off I want to calm you down, this is not a post full of complaining I just wanted to write down my experience with the mod so far. The first tries all ended the same way, didn't find any usefull stuff and died to zombies or was low on blood with almost no equipment and/or a broken bone. Was really frustrated about all the fake houses and the fact that i didn't find any weapons. Then i looked up several posts in this forum and it helped me a ton, I learned that it isn't really profitable to loot the small villages where most of the houses can't even be entered. I just searched for barns and some other buildings (read a bit about which buildings are profitable) and tryed to get some general supplies, most of the time I will then be making my way to Electro. There I just loot the Firestation, Church, School and Supermarket. I was amazed how much stuff you could actually get in such a small period of time, almost always I would get myself a weapon, a new backpack and quite a lot to eat and drink. So in fact now I know where to go and the Mod is just so much fun from this point on, but I would change some things for beginners. Make more of the "fake houses" enterable so that you don't have to run all the way to Electro or Cherno to get at least general supplies (Pistol, Food, Water, Bandages, Painkillers). Maybe up the spawn rate for Makarov in those small towns with lots of fake houses. You could also make a little introduction screen that tells players that weapons spawn more often in barns or in the big cities. This would make it a lot easier for new players, the problem isn't the difficulty but the problem is that most noobs don't know where to look for a weapon... Edit: Changed the title as it was a bit confusing as i don't think this game is too hard, i just think it could be easily made more fun for new players
  16. iNSANE'

    Help people learning how to play DayZ

    I just think an introduction screen could prevent a lot of threads in the beginners section. Of course you can google it and if you want to stick with DayZ you can learn it pretty fast. I just think it would eliminate the frustration in the first couple of hours and it wouldn't be that much work to do it. I see a lot of people complaining on the forums about the fact that they can't find a weapon and i can totally understand that point if you don't know where to look for a gun...