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Everything posted by sempifer

  1. So me and a couple of friends were finding a good place to hide our truck and we found this tentcity. Its really hard to explain so let the pictures speak for themselves..... its on us140 we already took what we needed... the tents still have enough gear for about 300 players (full loadouts) so i thought i could share..
  2. do i look like im trying to convice you? ppl WILL go there and get geared no matter what.. curiosity is a bitch!!
  3. warning: going there an getting all the end game gear may ruin your game.. its always alot funner when you get it yourself piece by piece
  4. you are not going to stop ppl from going there by saying you got shot.... hopefully someone gets there soon an confirms it
  5. hahahaha yea sure stop trying to be a dick theres more stuff than you and all your noob frds can ever carry ...
  6. you CANT destroy tents... when the server restarts they will come back with all the gear in it..
  7. lol ok i dont care if u dont wanna go ur loss
  8. lol dude are you serious? just be sure to go with some friends or something becuase alot of people are going to head there now..... let the race start!
  9. sempifer

    Duping glitches

    i reported it on dev heaven
  10. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36904-2-duping-glitches-in-1723
  11. theres a thread somewhere here with a fix nothing you can do though... it requires the server admin to manually update battleye after updating the server to beta 95054..
  12. sempifer

    us 425

    Is it coming back? i cant see it on the server list today....
  13. sempifer

    us 425

    Is it coming back? i cant see it on the server list today....
  14. sempifer


    do tents dissapear after you die? if they do how long it takes?
  15. theres a duping glitch in the new version... where can i post it so u guys fix it?
  16. no, if i post it there everyone will see it..... i want it fixed i dont want ppl to dupe stuff
  17. someone has to much time in hands..... get a girlfriend dude. oh, i dndt read btw kthxbai.
  18. sempifer

    Debug plains

    hey guys ive spawned in the debug plains... the closest point in the map is 23000 meters.... my life and water are halfway and i have 2 waters and 2 steaks in bag... can i make it? i dont want to respawn becuase my character is fully loaded
  19. so my brother decided to get his own steam account and bought himself a copy of the game so that we could both play on our own accounts on the same computer...... the problem is that only 1 of the steam acounts sis able to launch the game, while the other gets some missing. pcb files and many other errors... is there a way of getting through this? please help? i have tried using 2 different windows accounts with 2 different users... and no luck. same thing happens.. please help us :(
  20. sempifer

    Why did you shoot me.

    ive been shot at even when i dont have any gear on me. i used to let new players live but once a guy sneaked up to my coyote bag to my bizon and some ammo and killed me after i let him live. so now new rule... kill everyone in sight! sometimes they say friendly an i let them live for a while ... then i just kill them anyway... im just fed up with all these noobs killing you when ir trying to help them... heck, i might go sniping the beach and kill everybody before they get any gear.. that should keep them away
  21. if you dont see shit when you spawn on a place tun likr 50m away and come back... works 90%of the time. dont server hop though its not the way the game is intended to be played..