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Everything posted by nalaskey

  1. nalaskey

    Post your Steam name!

    My steam name is; nalaskey I'm a friendly and mainly play in server us124-us127 but I'm down for any server play.
  2. nalaskey

    Let's have a debate on zombie AI...

    Well, since the mod is still fairly new I assume that many things will smooth out with the "zombie" AI. My main concern at this point is the erratic movement patterns of the enemy and how their animation seems to just be "sped up". But I'm sure many things are going to change with time. That's the awesome thing about mods! Overall though I would like to see a slight decrease in their speed. Not much but a little. Honestly what I think would be relly cool would be to have a large variety of movement speeds and animations from the zombies as a result of broken limbs, infection, loss of sight etc. Just an idea.