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About keosan24

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  1. It would of been cool if it was painted, but still decent looking nonetheless.
  2. keosan24

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    ^ Should be a sign not to get it then...
  3. keosan24

    Tower/ chasis troubles cant decide.

    Hes asking questions about a build hes going to make a couple years in the future.... Its not even about a computer he is going to build soon. Just ask questions in the future.
  4. Hmm reading the past couple pages with bad reviews from this company would of saved you a lot of time...
  5. keosan24

    DayZ standalone - The Walking Dead

    Well the show is slow for now i admit that, but the first season had a decent narrative pace and everything was moving pretty well. Now it takes about two episodes for someone to go to the store.
  6. keosan24

    Water cooling

    So whats the point? In five years you will be able to find stuff way better then the one you listed for the same price.
  7. keosan24

    Water cooling

    Why not look into it when you actually have the money in the future? You could possibly get a better build in the future for the same price as the one your trying to put together now for the future.
  8. keosan24

    SA: 'No advanced weapons'

    Its more about what people actually do with the guns. They don't look for AS50s and M107s to kill zombies with, they look for them so they can find a nice camping spot and snipe players all day and thats what rocket doesn't want. He does not want a lot of KOS
  9. On the website itself, you said hardware posted when all it says is enterprise servers. Im pretty sure when people look there they are going to expect actual hardware specs not just the name of the brand or company.
  10. I was referring to how your 20 percent deals were miraculously running out after a day or two when i hardly see any replies on this thread regarding your service. I do understand that you have to increase consumer demand and thus the price drop.
  11. Question how many 20% deals did you have in the first place? Obviously your demand isn't that high that after a day you're already running out of them unless of course you only had like 3-5 20% deals. Edit : never mind seen the original post. However with the lack of replies its hard to believe that 20 something people bought the majority of your product.
  12. keosan24

    Zombie killing Incentive

    Instead of experience points, the developers could add a fail chance. For example, when crafting will be implemented a player has the supplies to craft a ladder (Fail chance 50%) and he fails. Next try he actually succeeds and the fail chance goes down to 49 or 45 percent.(Just numbers that are based on my own personal preference) Or have it so that when one does craft a ladder depending on how many successful attempts you have had will depend on how good quality ladder you can make with those supplies.
  13. keosan24

    Zombie killing Incentive

    The majority has misinterpreted what the thread maker has been saying, while i like the concept i don't particularly like the suggestions you have made to draw player interaction towards zombies. Why not have zombies gravitate towards players over time? So while your looking in all those dresser and cabinets for that one can of beans or water flask the zombies are slowly moving in on your position so when your ready to leave, its do or die.
  14. For some reason players believe that making the game have more "realism" and behave more like real life will make the game a lot better and in turn it won't make the game any funner if anything people will be complaining more about the game because the game is too realistic.