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About roy64

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. roy64

    Fall to looooong back. HELP

    no one? Found out the store quistiom :P You can store items in tent :P
  2. Hey guys, I got 3 questions. Nr1: When Im playing Dayz, and played for a while. And Im out running, walking or whatever, suddenly. I just fall back in the game. Like if I were a place 5min ago, I sudenly fals back to that spot. And then I have to run all the way back again. This usely happends 4-5 times. Then I quit. Because its so F... up Nr2: After playing for a while, the game starts lagging. And when it does, it never stops. So I have to quit the game and rejoin. Then its helps. Anybody knows what this could be? Its also starts lagging if I return to desktop, and back in to the game. (while running of course) I dont have any other programs running while playing. My computer is: Toshiba Satellite L750D-19C This also might happend to the PR version also. Not that often. Thanks very much for help. (PS: when lagging, I cant hit a single Z) Nr3: Where can you store items(loots) if you drop them, will they lay on the ground 4ever? or will it(they disipear? Thx
  3. roy64


    Ok, thanks allot for the answers ppl:P Gotta love them forums :D You guys been much of help.
  4. roy64


    hehe ok :P But is this saveable? If you play with your friends for like lets say 5 hours. Then you gotta quit, what happends then? You gonna start all over again and loose everything you found? And what is loot?
  5. roy64


    Eh I mean like on mumble if just me and my friends can speak without listening to everyone else on mumble? Yeah ok :P But every where I go, I find a house that is open. but theres ALWAYS zombies inside. That way, I cant get the stuff thats inn. And if I got zombies after me, I cant shake them off.:S
  6. roy64


    Hey again. Yeah that helps allot, thank you so very much. But if you use mumble. can you creat a own "server" for just me and my friends? And we have to find eachother? we cant spawn toghether? Thanks so much for help. It was fast :P
  7. roy64


    Hey guys. Gonna post somethings here. First thing is: When I join a server, I cant speak or writh with ppl. No one answers, is it cuz they dont want to or just cuz they cant hear or read my messeges? Second is: I never meet up with ppl, how can I team up with someone if I cant find and join them? 3rd: How do I play with a friend and we team up? Because we spawning different places? or? Can we use mumble on this? Thx for answers.