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About Izziee

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  1. To be fair, you're giving him what he wants, less people. I suggest the other. Everyone should join the server and go steal as much as they can. When they get banned, whooptydo
  2. Izziee

    Thank you SO SO much for this patch

    Also What game have you made that you can teach the dev's where your opinion "apparently" speaks for us all....
  3. Izziee

    What happened to my DayZ?!

    I already said I did that. With that and the filter set to hide empty, hide full, and have 5+ people, none came up.
  4. Been away some time, had some nice gear that I "worked" hard to get, stopped playing as all I read was hackers this hackers that, but missed the game a lot, it was always a special game to me since it's the only one to ever invoke emotions. Never actually saw a hacker though. But I thought I'd try again, update it all and log in, only to find my character not with it's stuff. However, I started with some weapons and such, which to be honest, I wasn't too happy about, then I tried a few different servers, sniper rifles in my inventory on one, mp5 in another...etc etc. vehicles all over the fucking place. What the hell is this shit? Casuals always ruin stuff and DayZ was probably one of the least casual friendly game I've played, even EvE was a lot more casual friendly. Now I start with weapons, great? Whats the point? I die and I'll have new weapons, where's the suspense? Vehicles? Super, now everyone has one and they aren't rare anymore, so no buzz when you find one. Food? Oh yeah, don't worry about that, we'll start you with a box of matches and a knife, and a water bottle to boot. So now it's just a death match - A really large death match, with very little shooting. I tried to filter official servers only, in the hope I'd either start with my old gear that I worked for, or with nothing at all (and yes, I know damn well I can just "drop everything") but alas, all 6000 of the servers vanished on DayZ commander and it showed no official servers, just "Wow 1000+ vehicles! Start with everything :D:D:D:D" servers. What a load of crap. When the SA was announced, I'm sure he said he would have it by X-mas (last X-mas) I haven't actually followed it since, but I sure hope to god it doesn't cater to these casuals who ruin every single game out there, and boy are there enough of them for them, why do they have to ruin the only game that didn't cater to their terribad talent of being able to not cope without having their little hands held /rant off
  5. I already posted in the opening line with a video, I'd be writing a wall of text if I mentioned everything, but the video sums it up. Developers lose sight of things. Take what he said with a pinch of salt or not, but it's quite obvious in MANY games nowadays. Going from mod to standalone, the casual gamers though it was too hardcore, while the hardcore players thought it wasn't hardcore enough, which is true for so many games. This game/mod has taken a lot from it's community feedback.
  6. ATM dayz is a popular mod, something that makes the mod what it is, is it's community. While at the end of the day, its your game to do as you please, please head the warning of other developers to not leave the fans out. For example http://store.steampowered.com/video/35450/2028139 If you watch the second video in the list, the developer talks about their mistakes and how going from a mod to full product had them making the mistake of leaving the fanbase out, which is what created the game (Red orchestra 2) Ultimately, the mod has had it's developer time taken away for you to work on the standalone, while this is completely fair, and something that many don't understand, it's YOUR time to do as YOU wish, and you don't owe us anything, please don't forget about us, and the die hard fans that WANT to see the game make it. I don't know much about the standalone at all, but I do know it's being released in the not too distant future, that worries me, I'd love, as many others would, to be involved, even if it isn't directly.
  7. Izziee

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    As with most things, I think this particular thing falls under the discretion of the player, so long as it does not in any way shape or form, interfere with another player. I personally am against it in most circumstances, but there has been an occasion I've done it :- When I really REALLY needed a piss and couldn't hold it any longer and once when I had the phone ring and was waiting for the doctor to call. Other than that, I've died, and I'll continue to keep dying (Well, it doesn't happen often since zombies aren't a threat) otherwise it could become a habit and the one thing that makes DayZ fun for me, is the suspence, which would all but be abolished if I kept combat logging. However, I, nor anyone else, can dictate to you how you play your own game. We can frown upon it, look down upon you or whatever, but as you can see, I did it to pee, for someone else that still might not be a good enough reason, so who are we to dictate what rules you can and can't. I think combat logging against a player is a completely different ball game, and, completely wrong. Something I won't do, but, I also think some players can be utter asshats, so I have no sympathy to them if it gets done to them either. I would however, make sure it wasn't a possible solution to the game, as simply, the whole game is about surviving, if you take the element away from the game, what else is there?
  8. So http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/11/06/dayz-bounty-wants-to-pay-you-real-actual-money-for-killing-zombies-and-fellow-players/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0 Zombies: $0.10 per 10 killed Survivors: $0.05 Bandits: $0.25 The Outlaw: $5.00, with value on their head increasing $0.25 per hour of in-game time Isn't this a bit...defeating the point? Sure, sounds good in practice, but.. Everyone will start killing zombies This will make a lot of noise Everyone will head to the gunfire It will become a Death Match at the cities. Wouldn't it be better to just have PLAYERS pay other players by placing a specific bounty on a persons head? Don't know if this thread has been made before, I've been away for some time, is the hacking still as strong as ever or is it safer to play?
  9. Izziee

    US 1344 Admins cheat

    Maybe his server was empty? Thought of that.....?
  10. Izziee

    Banned for nothing?

    IF, and that's a big IF, these threads popping up are correct then no, hackers aren't being dealt with, innocent people are while hackers continue to run rampant. Still, it could be just that BE has banned in waves and everyone's trying to claim innocent. That said, software DOES go wrong, just take a look at the game. There could quite easily be an issue but we just don't know. It's ignorant to state otherwise.
  11. Lets say the gun has an audible range of 100m If I'm at 99m does it sound quieter than if I were at 20m? If I'm at 101m does the sound vanish completely? Edit - to players.
  12. Hmm, little worried myself, haven't logged in though yet, I see some guy claiming all he did was edit the arma.cfg file to improve performance and got banned. I did that too. Saw it on that massive thread on graphical improvements in the new player forum. It worked like a charm too, no longer laggy but I didn't notice any difference in how the game looked. Did anyone else enter those and NOT get banned? I'd like to know. Saying if you did get banned doesn't mean much, any hacker can use an excuse.
  13. SO DON'T BUY IT THEN! Jesus H Christ, was THAT hard? What? Did you actually expect games to just materialise as a full finished product ready to go? If you don't want to Alpha test it, DON'T. I will.
  14. Izziee

    Why I dislike this forum...

    Not many people really act better than others, what people (myself) dislike are: Retard number 1: Those that storm to the forum after dying and start trying to change the game. Either by whining their bitchy little ass off that Zombies are too hard, or .50 cal's need to be nerfed or whatever else "because they know best" or because they think they actually speak for me and include "This is what the game needs/Everyone thinks this is the case!". Retard number 1 deserves to get flamed. Retard number 2: The self entitled twat who some how thinks he's above everyone else. Some how has worked out that he should get a refund for a game he never bought. Some how thinks that he's entitled to the standalone version on the horizon, for free. Retard number 3: This dolt seems to think that posting a crappy story in the general section how he met this guy called fred, and proceeded to shoot him in the asshole on server Idc-4665 or how he stole billies bike, is something that we actually care about or find the least bit interesting, despite the fact there's a proper fucking section for it. Retard number 4: This happy go lucky forum goer, seems to feel the need to post about hackers in every single fucking thread. Oh? It's a thread congratulating Rocket on his work? NOT ON MY WATCH! I MUST POST ABOUT HOW HACKERS RUIN THIS GAME! After all, I've only posted it in every other thread, WHICH ISN'T ENOUGH!. Despite the top 4 threads about, yes, you guessed it! (or if you didn't...) hacking, he seems to think he's a special little snowflake who deserves his own #856255 on the topic, despite the lack of grammar and punctuation, it's going to be a thrilling read. Oh? It's a thread about cute kittens and puppies? FUCK THAT! NOT ENOUGH MENTIONING ABOUT HACKERS Retard number 5: This guy constantly complains about bugs, and when referred back to him that, it's Alpha, an onslaught of crying proceeds to follow. After all! This guy paid 0.00 for a mod that's openly stated it's in alpha and does deserve his money back! Or, does this retard fall under number 2? A self entitled whiner. Retard number 6: Usually a bandit, this utter anal jockey seems to think he knows it ALL. How I should be playing MY game, why they shouldn't be doing that in THEIR game, why he shouldn't be allowed to do that and why she shouldn't be doing this. After all, it's WRONG that I'm enjoying MY game, because I'm playing it wrong. Why am I playing it wrong? because my opinion doesn't fall under the same as his opinion. If I want to survive then I'M PLAYING IT WRONG! If I want to murder on the spot? then I'M PLAYING IT WRONG! I'm only playing it right when I agree with him. Retard number 7: Brings up WarZ a lot, and how this game is going to be amazing, and that he's going to quit DayZ (like we care?) for this better game on which he has so much information about, like, what? Almost 10 screenshots? Apparently, this game is completely free of bugs, original, and he's already completed it along with life itself. Retard number 8: A regular here who cries 24/7 about how crap the game is. Of course, he still plays it. After all, it's only the intelligent thing to do, whine all day on the forum, spending all your time on something you don't enjoy. Because HE doesn't enjoy it, WE mustn't either, and if we do? FUCK NO! We're trolling! What the hell?! How dare we enjoy the game! Hackers ruin it right? No other game has hackers, JUST this one. Retard number 9: Seems to forget how Rocket doesn't have all the control in how the game runs, due to it being bugs related to arma. It's all rockets fault and damn, he's totally out of order not spending ALL his free time fixing stuff he possibly has no control over. He's completely out of order not catering to my every need for a MOD that I got for FREE I could go on and on and on and on, but do I need to? I enjoy this game, and I don't give a flying fuck if someone else doesn't. If they don't? Tough shit, why is that MY problem? If they can't work out what Alpha means, if they can't appreciate someone that they don't know, have never met, never will meet, creating a FREE mod for them to play, while having no control over battle eye, or whining how other people play THEIR game because it doesn't cater to their self entitled needs NOT MY PROBLEM. A lot of people love this game, and realise that there's issues with it and help TEST things. Because we're alpha TESTERS. A lot of these people are bored shitless of hearing the same childish and moronic whine 24/7. So that's why there's a lot of flame. It has nothing to do with people thinking their better than others.
  15. I've noticed you quite like making sure everyone and their grandma, grandpa's dog and second cousin knows you're a girl. Any particular reason?