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About suckmyyiffstick@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. suckmyyiffstick@gmail.com

    Chernarus Tactical Force ~RECRUITING~

    1. How long have you had DayZ? - Over Two months, got DayZ in June. 2. How old are you? - 21 3. What is your favorite weapon/role? Weapon - Crossbow (yes I can be efficient with it), AS50, any Silenced weapon. Roles - I enjoy sniping or scout/close quarters. 4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: I've been in only one DayZ Clan, several BF3 Clans, and a handful of Valve related game Clans. 5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? - Yes I can follow orders without a problem or lead a squad/team. Steam Name - Loveundermytail Skype Name - Suckmyyiffstick
  2. suckmyyiffstick@gmail.com

    Everyone who finds anthropomorphism interesting, gather here. (DayZ grouping)

    A DayZ rp would be hilarious. I can just picture a bunch of furs in ghillie suits craving beans and blood transfusions. As they stand there and RP one or two of them would get sniped lol.
  3. suckmyyiffstick@gmail.com

    Everyone who finds anthropomorphism interesting, gather here. (DayZ grouping)

    Would like to group up and maybe join a Clan or something. I can't really find that many furry clans/groups that are big.
  4. Can we turn off first person? It breaks my immersion to this game.
  5. suckmyyiffstick@gmail.com

    Zeds in buildings. Bug or on purpuse?

    I have the same problem as OP here. I just usually end up having to really search and still find nothing. Regardless of searching deerstands, airstrips, and houses.
  6. suckmyyiffstick@gmail.com


    There is a Ghillie Suit which is sought after by most people. A Camo Outfit though I think it is bugged rather bad. So you might want to steer clear of it. (I found mine in an outhouse lol) Anyone can get a Bandit outfit. You have to kill a certain amount of players so that your skin will change to that of a Bandit. People will see you for what you are and it will happen even if you kill in self defense. So if your being shot at try and go for the legs and cripple them and GTFO.