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Everything posted by crazierivan

  1. crazierivan

    WTF a jet ?

    lol it's a Trap!
  2. crazierivan

    Sad bro you had to lock it

    I wantz bannhammerz!!!!!!
  3. crazierivan

    Please consider this awesome Dayz chair bosses...

    Fuck you' date=' buddy. The Wii has some great games. [/quote'] +1 Red Steel 2, mang. Lol these guys crack me up! I was thinking more along the lines of my little pony
  4. crazierivan

    Spawning at coast

    Lol this is just getting bad it's seems like we got a bunch of resource kids here :/
  5. crazierivan

    Please consider this awesome Dayz chair bosses...

    Troll??? If not maybe u should buy a Wii
  6. temp drops 2 fast but i like the idea, good way to get them campers outta the woods after making a bean castle....
  7. crazierivan

    THE Firewood thread

    i think it needs more wood spawns or tone down how fast u tempval drops during the day...
  8. crazierivan

    Eating/Drinking after newest update

    I have not had that problem, finding wood on the other hand ;/
  9. crazierivan

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    yea the p2p is the way to go just turn the updater into a p2p client or somthing
  10. crazierivan

    DayZ Teamwork

    Steam Group as long as u don't spam events, cuz i hate that!
  11. crazierivan

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    LOL all mirrors have had an explosion
  12. crazierivan

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    awsome work rocket!
  13. crazierivan

    How to balance out the weapons: easy way

    i love the lee put guys down from far away only problem is how loud it is, Winchester is op would like to c more akm spawns imo
  14. crazierivan


    Bandit killing is 1 of the main reasons i love this game that and frank & beans!
  15. crazierivan

    It Felt Bad :(

    I have done this myself but the guy was a bandit so the shame i felt was not as bad.
  16. crazierivan

    Newbies, beware the clan NwO

    I steer clear of any groups but my own only death comes from groups of 5 or 6....
  17. crazierivan

    Voice Chat

    if u wanna talk to people find a group that uses Mumble/vent/teamspeak
  18. crazierivan

    This is why you don't run through a town

    Gj that's 1 zed horde down!
  19. crazierivan

    All your beans r belong to us.

    MMMMMM! i like to go for pasta more u don't stink up the place =)
  20. i like to hop fences, it seems to slow them down a little....
  21. This can happen on any server go to a place that has good loot, loot it join diff server rinse repeat ;(
  22. crazierivan

    The moment that changed me.

    That was a great read Redz keep em coming
  23. crazierivan

    bounty hunters

    Hello my name is VegetaL, Go by EndofDayZ in game I'm a bounty hunter for a small fee i will track down and kill my target! i ask for ammo or equipment as payment. What i need to know is what server the person or persons play on. Name of the player or players and why u would like me to kill them plz send all information via pm on DayZ forums, Time that they are most active payments will be received after kill conformation via Screen shots or YouTube video plz Subscribe to my channel Endof DayZ Thank you for ur time Hope i can be of service to u =)
  24. crazierivan

    DayZ Wiki and allowed weapons / equipment

    Yea we were at the military installation with all the tents i forget
  25. crazierivan

    Server time setting.

    Yes some servers have a reverse server time =)