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Posts posted by osmicha

  1. Im with you guys, same prob since first install. Kicked from every server at start.

    Retail, Six Launcher, successfully updated inc battleye and beta.

    Kinda fed up with repeating "u should reinstall blabla" and links to other threads where at least the context that I should ...yeah right... try to deinstall reinstall mymominstall.

    The prob seems to spread more than expected.

    a question: do I have to place the paths In six launcher or does It automaticly work?

    game starts with correctly with beta and mod.

    and I wonder... maybe an antivirus like norton keeping battleye from communication?


  2. Hey!

    Used the search. Googled to death. Tryed all day. I'm tired!

    Installed retail in correct order (Combined, OA, Beta, Six).

    Newest versions, no errors, all seems fine.

    Using Six Launcher my time on a free slot server lasts only a second...

    Original message: "Sie wurden aus dem Spiel entfernt" what literaly seems to tell me that I have been automaticly kicked for any reason.

    Deinstalled It all, cleaned It up, tryed again...

    I'm sure I do everything right like the tuts explain.

    Just spending my whole sunday for this. :(

    Would be great If anyone can help!

    Thank you
