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About pyrodeath19@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. pyrodeath19@gmail.com


    Thats right, zombies that are traditional. Currently, Zombies are almost impossible to lose once they turn from a staggering mob to Sonic the Hegehog, moving faster than you run yet slower than you sprint. The only real option is to run inside a house, making them begin walking. This is very tedious, and also pretty meta-gamey, because you are abusing bugs to survive. Sure one could just turn and shoot, then get cornered and knocked down, then stunlocked until dead, but then again, you die. Traditional Zombies are almost always in a large group, and will shamble towards you, like a writhing mass of death. You can outrun them, hide from them, and maybe if you are lucky kill them. But forget abut their presence will leave you a dead man. By tripling the spawn rate of zombies, and the spawn cap aswell, these walking zombies will pose an equal threat to the players, and will use up more ammo if alerted, they will also be able to be lost, thus making this a big element change, with stealth becoming more prominent. Walking Zombies would be a great change for the better in my oppinion, both aesthetically, gameplay wise and maybe difficulty-wise, if their damages/health were upped a fair bit aswell. Maybe an increased item drop rate from zombies will give an incentive to players to take on a hoard. tldr - Walking zombies are better, vote for them today.