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Everything posted by ViciousJ

  1. Both. I don't want to risk getting shot, so I prefer to shoot first. Finding decent loot is a nice bonus. I imagine I might miss out on a cool adventure or two by playing like this, but at the same time I've been alive for many many days now and am glad to not have lost my stuff as well
  2. ViciousJ

    Impossible to Pitch Tent's!

    For now, what helps is this: Keep walking around a bit as you spam rightclick -> pitch tent in the inventory Might take a bit but eventually it'll be placed
  3. A cracked server? You post that request here? Really?
  4. ViciousJ

    Im a dog

    If you ask me, there should be a 5% chance or so to spawn as a dog when you make a new character You could always suicide and respawn if you don't want to be a dog. The dog could bite people, run pretty fast and eat wild animals and drink out of lakes
  5. Airfield is one of the biggest death traps for sure. Be careful. Unfortunately, if there's some sniper lying around in a ghillie a mile away you probably won't notice it before it's too late
  6. ViciousJ

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    There is no reason to have a specific disconnect timer for everyone etc. The only thing that has to stop right now is people instantly hitting alt+f4 to be safe when someone is shooting them. Also people running through hordes of zombies only to log out and back in to get rid of them Simple. Just have your character remain in the world for 15 seconds. That's more than enough for anyone to try and abuse this to end up (rightfully) dead. At the same time 15 seconds isn't _that_ long. If you have to go, just go to a sort of safe spot and there you go. Of course you can still alt+f4, but your char will remain in the world for those 15 seconds.
  7. ViciousJ

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I hope a future patch makes the chat an optional thing, much like third person. Have the server owners decide whether they want to have the chat or not. I know I find that the chat makes the game a bit more lively and can be quite entertaining
  8. ViciousJ

    A way to identify your mates

    Yes please. Even something like being able to pick the color of your shirt/vest would help greatly as people could somewhat differ from each other that way. Right now it can get extremely confusing. Some mechanic would be greatly appreciated
  9. ViciousJ

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I wonder when this will finally hit, seems like it's gonna have quite some changes. Pretty excited about bear traps myself I guess. Depends on where they will spawn (and how often)
  10. ViciousJ

    So..uhhh...now what?

    Stuffing everything into camps and such is fine and dandy but then you realize that people will find your camp - and it won't be long, no matter where it is
  11. ViciousJ

    Does throwing cans work?

    Throw them at other players. Breaks their bones and can make them bleed. It's fun
  12. ViciousJ

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    Got no NVG so no, it's pointless. I could use the flashlight or drop road flares, but that's like begging everyone else on the server to go and shoot you Night is too dark without any light sources
  13. ViciousJ

    bad weather in dayz

    What? No! The rain is awesome, I love it.
  14. Not gonna write a big post.. just saying that as a new player, I am enjoying starting without a weapon. So far I never had any problem finding one (even if it's just an enfield or a makarov) within like 15 minutes or so. It's quite fine. Would be nice if we were able to punch others in the game, but I'm happy right now
  15. ViciousJ

    New Maps ready to be Zombified

    Just for the record, I don't think we need bigger maps (suggestions about extending the current one). Many areas are too barren and devoid of life as is given the average ~40-50 players on a server. A different map could be nice, though I guess there'll be some work involved with binding characters to maps so that you have a separate character for each map.