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About ViciousJ

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. ViciousJ

    Next patch: a big one?

    I just want to see loot spawn fixed. And maybe how zombies spawn. Those are the two big issues for me right now. I guess adding a bit more weapon variety wouldn't hurt either.
  2. A lot of wildlife. Aside from the standard cattle, sheep and rabbits I'd also like to see foxes, wolves, bears, possibly crows. And fish! This includes giving us fishing poles and a way to fish.
  3. ViciousJ

    Invisible hacker

    Wouldn't say it's a hacker. I tried to meet up with two friends and both were invisible to me for 2 full minutes. Then they suddenly popped into vision and everything was normal.
  4. Yeah so it seems, it just went away at last. Did really stay a while though, I'll think twice about eating rotten food next time, even in an emergency.
  5. Didn't try charcoal yet, any specific spawns?
  6. Two friends gave me pretty much all kind of medical stuff they could find but nothing helped, screen went grey again shortly after the IV infusion and I still get "I feel faint" and such messages. What can I do to cure it?
  7. ViciousJ

    When will we see the sun?

    I've seen nothing but night for the last 20 some hours across various servers. Getting tired of grey in grey with grey mixed in.
  8. ViciousJ

    Can we please pick names ourselves?

    Maybe I don't want my Steam name to be my ingame name? Does that not seem plausible to you at all?
  9. No really, why is the name bound to our current Steam name? This seems pretty terrible. Moreover from what I heard it even gives you a new character if you change your Steam name. Can this be changed? Why not just let us pick a name?
  10. ViciousJ

    KoS mentality

    It's not like there is much else to do right now. Very few zombies, so people are probably more prone to shooting other players.
  11. ViciousJ

    Shut up and take my money!

    Please go away.
  12. ViciousJ

    Where do I find tents?

    In supermarkets ;)
  13. ViciousJ

    Was this a hacker?

    Quite likely I'd say
  14. ViciousJ

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    As if people would end up buying the same game 3 times. And yes I mean it. Tons of people who bought Arma II don't even play the game, it's SOLELY for DayZ
  15. ViciousJ

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Newest beta patch is 94945, just fyi