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About Darktide

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    On the Coast

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  1. Darktide

    Missing Vehicles

    I guess my question is, IS IT possible for vehicles to fail to respawn? It's not a matter of them being well hidden or not, I flew the map more than enough times. Ive seen a vehicle blow up, and not respawn there or at its original spawn location on several restarts. Just trying to get facts here.
  2. Ok a few days ago before we lost our chopper, and have not seen or heard it since btw. We flew around the entire map, AND we flew outside the map to see if we could locate any vehicles. We sure did, but what we noticed was there were several vehicles missing.... Like the 2nd UAZ, The Hippie Van, and the White Car. After a few days I did some reflecting and, I have not seen those vehicles on our server for almost three weeks. Almost daily I drive around the map checking around for vehicles. Has anyone had any vehicles go missing from a server? Are they deleted if someone put them outside the map? Will the respawn? Is it really a 7 day respawn timer, I read that somewhere. Server restarts every 6 hours.
  3. Darktide

    Are Choppers In, Just Saw One!?

    One of you said its hacked, the other said its not. Can anyone confirm? Also how do you detect things like this server side?
  4. Are choppers in yet? I have been on the same server for 6 hours, and no server restarts. Yet we just saw a chopper fly over us. Is this most likely hacked? if so, how do you detect a hacked chopper in server files?
  5. Darktide

    Joining Dallas 49 kills you

    Not sure when this happened, but Dallas 49 works fine just for me. It's been very hot in Texas this past week, and they have been having power issues. If the server lost power, and caused the server restart while you were logged in. That may be the cause.
  6. Darktide

    Multi Account Issue

    What I keep gettis is " You were kicked off the Game " when I try and join the same server, if I join another server it just spawns my account
  7. I purchased two copies of Arma2Oa so my wife could play DayZ with me. I copied over all of the files to another computer instead of downloading them, and it worked fine before the beta patch. Now that I am using Six Launcher, even though I downloaded that separate, it still logs me into my other account from my wifes computer. Through Steam, I can verify that we both have different CD Keys. What do I do from here? I'd like to AVOID reinstalling everything