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About CorrosiveDragon

  • Rank
  1. CorrosiveDragon

    Greatest Success (Thus Far)

    seriously what guy runs through town with an as50 unless they're admin, you get an as50 you earn the right to camp, when i get as50s, im to much of a pussy to move, i dislike them that much lol
  2. CorrosiveDragon

    Helping Others

    i killed an axe murderer with a axe, ironic right. he was chasing a un-armed guy around i came up behind him smacked him in the skull, which gave him spina bifida and broke his legs pulled out my glock, turned it sideways for style points put three bullets in his head, what happened to the bambi well he shat them and legged it, poor guy.
  3. CorrosiveDragon

    Bandit - Correct me if I am wrong

    trying to stay out of this, look at poor countrys like africa man not much law people get gun down over there, raped its the norm, just dayz without the zombies, can kinda see shit like this happening, i mean the majority of people are cunts.
  4. i find it hard, yet im in a bandit skin should i quit being a hypocrite
  5. CorrosiveDragon

    is there any real friendly survivors out there anymore

    yeah same i ran into some friendlys in electro but mostly i wont trust them, when im under geared is when im at my friendliest, but if im geared i tend to shoot on site at Winchester bandits. :)
  6. so do you shoot on site? hunt players down that are shooting at others when you dont know the story? what do you do?
  7. CorrosiveDragon

    Good server

  8. CorrosiveDragon

    Good server

    dunno lol not advert barely anyone its a friends so it needs people :D
  9. CorrosiveDragon

    Good server

    hey guys come play on thiis sever it hasnt seen much attention it is dayz chernarus standed. type this in filter
  10. CorrosiveDragon

    Hey anyone want to play right now

    sent it then man
  11. Ahh make sure you have a mic and have a kind of an idea of the game, but i really dont mind. skype if possible just want to play.
  12. CorrosiveDragon

    Australian Team Mates?

    hey man im geared up ill add your skype
  13. CorrosiveDragon

    looking for people to play with

    cool guys sent the requests. Bump
  14. CorrosiveDragon

    Need mature players!

    hey man im 21 from aus, havent tryed many us servers so i dont know how the lag will go, i played all the time, i've just started to get back into it now
  15. CorrosiveDragon

    wanna aprty up?

    who's down to party up?