Hello, my story begins at the NWAF, i walk in from the south east side planning on finding weapons and ammo. Which in my case was ammo for my akm and trusty M9, but really wasn't much considering the AKM is extremely which will result in my first bandit kill. I hit the barracks and then make haste to the NWAF only to find it is swarming in walkers, i then take a sneaky approach and go around most of the airfield to get the fire station and hangers. After looting these places i a bullet pass by my head. I run to the barracks to the left of the fire station and pull out my akm. peeking my head out to see if i can spot the bastard i here another round fly the barrel of his rifle. I then leave my cover and bolt to the comm tower hoping he is in there. He (of course) is at the top of the tower with his DMR, i sneak my way up the stairs and run up to him and shoot him 2 times in the body. Then to finish him off, i pull out my M9 and put right between the eyes.