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About Sorn

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  1. "dog eat dog" which is amusing because the game is "human eat human" "In a real situation" : you'd have to live with the real emotional repercussions of your actions. you'd die of things like tetanus, staph and strokes. you'd yearn for contact with other living, breathing human beings. you'd be suffering from PTSD. I think when people say "realistically" they're referring to the humanizing effects of real life. It's easy to steal in a video game, it isn't as easy in real life. It's easy to kill in a video game, it isn't as easy in real life. In a video-game I don't think our brains connect these actions with other human beings. They are victim-less crimes because we can't see, smell or touch the people they're being done to. The question, in my mind, is whether we want the game to enforce this social aspect on us with mechanics or not. It appears that Rocket does not want to do this, which is of course his prerogative. In closing: You might still kill, rape and steal, no doubt. But you'd suffer consequences, consequences that are not to be found in this mod. This is the "realistic" people refer to.
  2. Sorn

    Shoot on Sight

    Then why does this guy irritate you so bad? I think posts like the OP wrote are more commentaries on the psychology of the people playing these games than the game's mechanics themselves. If Day Z was played by a wide spectrum of people on Earth I don't believe we'd see the widespread killing we do. But we have a few very specific niches of personality type playing here, some of which love to grief other players. Is this acceptable behavior? No. Is there any sort of obvious *fix* for this? Not really.
  3. Sorn

    Bleeding Out-

    I think we can safely assume that when you're bleeding in Day Z it isn't from a basic cut. If that was the case we'd start bleeding from every other bush we run through. These are injuries inflicted by bullets or zombies. Neither of which do I imagine simply drying up on you. However it wouldn't be an entirely bad idea to allow more makeshift bandaging options I suppose. Still it would be a move away from the scavenging aspect of the game. I think it's probably best that we have to find what we need in order to survive.
  4. My bad. Should have said scared trigger happy killer or some such. Will edit post to reflect. Way to miss the point entirely. We're all playing normal human beings who wouldn't react well to this sort of violence. In interviews Rocket repeatedly stresses the emotions he wants to evoke in players. This would be a great way to push remorse and/or a guilty conscience.
  5. Maybe link people's stats to their Facebook. They'd be less likely to go on killing sprees if Mom, Grandma and all of their Coworkers were privy to them ;) Joking aside here are some of my thoughts: Bring their conscience into play. The more kills you get on non-bandit characters the lower your humanity gets and the worse you feel about it. The worse you feel about things the more paranoid you get. You have increased susceptibility to shock, infection and cold. Your hearing becomes slightly numbed, lowering your ability to artfully dodge zombies. You might hear things that aren't there. Implementing slightly hunched character models to indicate this increased paranoia would be slick. I think this a rather elegant solution. People who don't see an "end-game" other than PvP will have the Zombie part of their game pumped up. People who want to become cold-blooded killers will have the true side effects of being a lonely, scared, anti-social, trigger-happy killer. This, of course, represents the middle ground for characters. Just as we all carry the same amount of gear, run at the same speed and stand at the same height in game we should all shoulder the burdens of psyche in the same manner. So please don't pretend to be a sociopath or something teenage fanboi silly like that :)
  6. Sorn

    6.2 %

    I'm not sure how these stats disprove anything. If *only* 16% of fatalities in your nation were drug-related would that mean there's no problem with drugs? Bandits in the true sense don't bother me. Its more the nature of the community that shoots on sight that does.
  7. In 2 weeks of play I've run into 1 person who didn't shoot me straight away. This person spent a couple minutes strafing around a tree before taking his pistol and running out into the woods. I like to think he's still out there somewhere, strafing away his demons. I'm leery of these people who are so violently opposed to what I'm beginning to think of as Dayz's PK/Shoot on Sight Culture. How quickly it devolves into insults and rants. I'm not sure why it can't be a civil debate. Some of my thoughts: I understand that this open PvP lends itself well to the themes of survival and impending doom in the game. However lets be fair. Randomly triggered strokes, heart attacks and seizures would also put your life in danger from moment to moment and be realistic. As would food poisoning, tetanus and staph infections, all three of which would be running rampant here. To me these things are all as entertaining as being shot at by 99% of the people I run into in this game. Unfortunately here's the part where I admit to being the sort of person who points out a problem or gripe without a solution at hand :) I think many games have stumbled here. How to make player's value their character's choices. I believe this is the core of the issue. Most of the folks barely care about their own character's life or achievements, so expecting any sort of empathy for a third party is downright ludicrous. Still I'm having a hard time seeing an endgame in the alpha's current state without this fear of PvP death. I've gotten a few characters to the point where zombies, food/drink and the environment no longer pose a threat, as have most folks who've played the game longer than a couple days I'm willing to bet, and then it's just a matter of either derping around hoping for a low % drop or finding some trouble ala PvP.