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Everything posted by Markdaniel

  1. Markdaniel

    Battleship in a field!

    That was me... Thank you so much for posting in this thread. It is much appreciated by Kai and his moderators. Ever since this Hacker has been stalking Kai and playing around, people have been posting threads accusing Kai of hacking and all sorts of other things. At some point it does take its toll on the guy. We truly appreciate that you have not only posted here to validate it for all the others, so they can now STFU. But we also appreciate you coming in to the server with us and trying to fix things up. /salute
  2. Markdaniel

    Bloody Battleye

    I'm in the same boat. I'm from the AU and usually game with my US friends, but with this bloody battleye, I keep getting booted. And thus, can't game with my US mates. Wondering why I bought A2:CO now. No good to me if I can't hang with my American mates.
  3. Markdaniel

    Hacks in Action

    Kai should NOT have to stop streaming just because of a hacker showing up. [sarcasm] That'll solve everything. Let's stop the stream and have no DayZ stream and no viewers. Great job. You're a genius. [/sarcasm] How about the DayZ staff/devs/mod either help by coming to track this hacker so Kai can get on with playing DayZ without being stalked by him/her, or if they're not going to act in that regard, then put an end to stupid threads like this one running Kai down by locking them. Defamation of character, ever heard of it? Well at some point, if the negative threads posted about Kai aren't kept under control, locked, stopped, or deleted, ...then one starts becoming dangerously close to crossing into that realm and defaming them.
  4. Markdaniel

    Hacks in Action

    I'm another mod from Kai's stream. Kai's mentioned that he is willing to work with the DayZ staff/developers to catch this hacker. It would seem that this hacker knows how to get Kai's GUID and follow him around to different servers since Kai hides the debug window and his name, and when changing servers, brings up a changing server picture so no one can see where he is going to. If a DayZ mod/dev wishes to contact him so that they can set this up, he is totally willing. He above all others would love to play the game as intended without the constant stalking and interruptions. As amusing as some of the things the hacker does are, it interrupts the game and the stream. As posted in this thread, you can contact Kai via his twitch stream: http://www.twitch.tv/qnomnikai