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Everything posted by nosy324

  1. nosy324

    Canadian Servers?

    I dont know if this is relevant or anything but us Canadians need afew servers. I have not found a single one. But maybe thats just cause no one would host one. I would if i could afford one. Or if i had the setup for it. But maybe it is something for someone else to look into.
  2. nosy324

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    1 is the best imo
  3. nosy324

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    Date/Time: May may 13th 11:00 pm - May 14th What happened: The server spawned me in the middle of the wilderness and will not save my spot when i log out. Where you were: Original location before update : Electro, After update: Wilderness What you were doing: Updated the version. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: EU (all of them) and all the US servers *Your system specs: Windows 7 GFX card: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Intel Core i5 *Timeline of events before/after error: Was playing yesterday and logged off in Electro to update. After update I spawned in the middle of nowhere near the coast. I walked to a town then logged off again and spawned in the exact same spot as I did before.
  4. Hey, I am a new player aswell and have currently one other player in my group you are welcome to join. message me and i can give you my steam, skype or whatever!