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About RenTas

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RenTas

    [RNR] Clan recruiting Europeans

    Name : Rytis Age : 16 From : Lithuania DayZ experience : Since the Beggining In game name: Rent4s or Rentas, can't remember atm
  2. Hey Everyone, I'm Rentas and i've been playing DayZ from the start. Even though I took a few months break recently, I should get back in shape in no time. And as the title says, i'm looking for a group/clan, I'd honestly prefer it to be more military based, even though I do not have much experience on things like that. So, hit me up on steam, if you have a group of quite a few people: rytis244 Cheers, And yeah, my english sucks:D
  3. RenTas


    Yo, I'm looking for some serious people to make a group with. and by serious i mean no fucking shit talking in skype/mumb/ts or whatever we will use. The main requirement would be for you to be mature and from EU. if you're up for it hit me up on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/RenTas14/ Cheers