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About mummeldjuret

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  1. Well basically i cant join any servers with the panthera map, when i start the game, it loads normally but then i get to the main menu and it says "cannot play edit this mission dependant on downloadable content ibr_panthera" Im using DayZcommander to start it, i've installed the panthera mod and tried reinstalling it. Could be me thats just retarded but help would be appreciated :)
  2. mummeldjuret

    Starting/looking for a group

    Do you have a Mic? : Yes Do you have Teamspeak or Skype? : Both, Skype : Erik | Mummel! or zilencedeathz How old are you? : 18 Whats your play style? : Fine with anything really :) What experience do you have with DayZ and Arma 2? : I started playing like half a year ago Whats your timezone? : GMT +2, Sweden
  3. zilencedeathz or Erik | Mummel!
  4. mummeldjuret


    Steam: erik_plutten or MummelDjuret Skype: zilencedeathz or Erik | Mummel! Location/country: Sweden Play style: Im fine with anything :) Anything Else: Im an ok player i suppose ^^ Would be better but the fps is a bit low. Other than that i have a working mic
  5. mummeldjuret

    Looking for a small group to play with...

    If there's any room left then i'd gladly join :) I meet the reqs, Skype : Erik | Mummel! or ZilenceDeathz
  6. Hm well can you send me your skype or steam in a pm or here? ^^
  7. Im looking for ppl to play with ^^ i play pretty much every day if your interested. Steam : Erik_plutten (maybe SilenceDeathz) Skype : ZilenceDeath
  8. Well im looking for some friendly ppl to play with in eu ^^ Uhm i've played DayZ for like 5 or 6 days now, i recently died so i've got nothing :3 And it would be nice if you have a mic! :)
  9. mummeldjuret

    New player looking for a group

    Im looking for someone to team up with ;) I think i've added u on steam.