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About Bianca

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    Series, films, comics, books, music, role-playing games, videogames and such.
  1. Bianca LeBlanc Bianca - White LeBlanc - The White Meaning of colour white - Perfection, Honesty, Cleanliness, Neutrality, Exactitude, Equality, Encouragement, Calm... Simple yet complex
  2. Bianca

    who speak spanish to play?

    Excepto que no podría hablar (Problemas "vocales") el Skype es una opcion, soy de España y me conecto a servidores Europeos
  3. Bianca

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 Lirian (Forum name)
  4. How long you have been playing? 23 Jun 2012 How often do you play? I have an average rate of two hours per day Why you have chosen that lifestyle? I'm a lone wolf, a scrounger, a trader, a survivor. What drives you to play like that? I try to play like I would in real life and that means that I trust nobody unless they met certain requeriments, better safe than sorry. A normal session in DayZ for you: I connect, check my camp, look around for other survivors scanning the zone then walk away to loot and see if there is anything odd in the area, when I'm done I return to my camp and disconnect, always in my camp. Has this game affected aspects of your real life? I'm not so easily scared now. What made you choose DayZ? I read about it in a comic called Ctrl+Alt+Supr and I though "Wow, sounds cool, let's give it a try" Why you play DayZ? I'm still searching for La Obra Magna of Zombie Survival games and I stumbled across an amusing game that deservers my attention, so I play because I like it. How you feel the team has done with the game? I'm still playing it so I think they made the right choices. The impact of Hackers/ scripters: I've never cross paths with one, sorry, I don't know. If you have stopped playing or thinking of stopping, why? I haven't, sorry. Will you be buying the stand a lone game? If it looks good, yes.
  5. Around nine deaths I think
  6. If you want to punish bandits grab a sniper rifle, start a campfire in the middle of the forest and let them fly around it
  7. Bianca

    Selling camo and ghillie suit

    I'm not interested in anything in particular although I would appreciate a sniper rifle For the ghillie AND the camo I suppose?
  8. One of each for sale, just post your offer and I'll consider. I don't need them 'cause I have female skin.
  9. I've been using a bycicle for the few past days and I realized that neither the zombies or loots spawn activate correctly while entering a town at full speed whit it... Am I the only one with this problem?
  10. Bianca

    Finding tent cities.

    Do what you want
  11. Bianca

    Is there a femal hero skin?

    Female skins are glitched and are being turned to male skins
  12. Bianca

    Can't connect to servers

    Update to downloading the files through bittorrent on the official annoucement post made by Rocket. It worked for me
  13. Bianca

    Cant update Dayz

    sixlauncher updates up to 2.4 if you want to update to 2.5 download, cut and paste the files manually without touching sixlauncher
  14. Bianca


    You though a goat was a dog? Man... You should go check that out
  15. No, I'm not new... I've been playing this game more than a month and this particular character for a week... I had the luck to be able to evade every single character I've met.